Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Credit Crunch? What Credit Crunch?
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Dick Van Dyke: Definite legend. Potential Style Icon?
1) Mary Poppins DVD

Could I look anymore like DVD? The stripey jacket, the stripey shirt, the white trousers...all I needed was a blue bowtie and a straw boater. Damn you topshop for not having all the appropriate DVD attire! Actually individually each piece would be lovely for the coming summer months (fingers crossed) but alltogether, I hate to admit there's a risk of looking a little costumey.....
2) Diagnosis Murder DVD

3)Night at the Museum DVD

So there you have it; 3 simple looks that will have you tapdancing all the way down to your nearest highstreet. And when DVD decides to adopt me as his neice, i'll know just what to wear for the occassion!
Tor xx
Happy Birthday......to me!
Yesterday was a momentous day. I handed in my 5,000 words on Muriel Spark, and I reached the grand old age of 24- I am officially in my mid-twenties (and very aware that i'm faar too old to still be a student.) To celebrate this momentous occassion my sister came to stay for a few days, and joined a merry crew of party goers and karaoke stars!
I'm scared that Becky will kill me for not letting her photoshop this before I put it up but I think she looks awesome!

We were singing Dolly Parton like we really meant it. Oh yes
With birthdays come fashiony gifts, and I received so many pretty things I just can't wait to show you all. But I'm pretty sure my active high is ebbing out fairly quickly, and I just dont have the energy to change out of my pajamas. I'm going back to bed to sleep and nurse this hangover.....
You know your drunk when you're taking pictures of yourself in the ladies
Lots of love,
Tor xx
Monday, 5 May 2008
Muriel Spark Rules My Life!!!

I love the way Spark looks on the cover of this book (sorry I couldn't find a bigger image)
This means that whilst I could tell you everything you didn’t want to know about Muriel Spark, I have been out of the fashion loop for a while (as you can no doubt tell from my shameless recent blogging record). So because I’m tired and this is the only ‘break’ I’m going to take for the next 3 hours, I’m going to go with what I know and write about Muriel Spark; fabulous writer, eccentric super-bitch, and worthy fashion icon.

Tight sweater, necklace with an animal pendant, and sexy tilted specs? What’s not to love??
Muriel Spark was obsessed with fashion (a woman after my own heart) and always dressed flamboyantly. It pleases me more than you can ever know to picture her zipping around Italy aged 80 in her alfa romeo and her fur coat: an image recounted in each of her obituaries, so it obviously pleased more people than just me! One journalist recorded that Spark swept in for an interview (then in her 70s) looking demure and sophisticated in a black and white Chanel suit that she had chosen to team with fluroscent pink ankle socks.
How can such a cruel woman have such a kind face?
Derek Stanford (Muriel's sworn enemy) described Muriels love of vintage jewelry and accessories; "there was generally within her wardrobe some small family property-a brooch, a clasp, a pair of earrings or her silver topped umberella- which had come from her mother or grandmother". He also wrote some lovely things about Muriel and her mothers relationship in his unofficial biography; "Mother and daughter hd a true feminine love of dress, jewelry and adornment....Whenever she visited her mother in Scotland they would do a deal or a swap with each other over some trinket or treasure. And later maybe the swap would be undone, redone"
I love this extract because it reminds me of my own relationship with my mum and especially my nan; I love going through their wardrobes picking out clothes and jewellery they haven't worn for years and trying them on all at once like a toddler. My mum is a very petite (and naturally beautiful) lady, and it breaks my balls that I can't fit into any of her couture ball gowns from the early '80s. (When i'm at home next weekend I will dig out some of the photo's and share them) And it was in part my nan (a lady who still obsesses about fashion despite being in her 70s) who inspired me to start my collection of vintage brooches-I know they aren't 'in vogue' at the moment, and it's a pretty old fashioned thing to collect, but I love them! They're sparkly delicate and garish all at the same time -what more do you need?!
Wearing things that have been worn by people I love makes me happy. My wardrobe had as many of my sisters clothes in it as it does mine; The Spark concept of fashion as a family heritage is something I can get behind.I'm not saying that 'the Sparklet' was perfect just because she liked dresses (i've done my research!) She abandoned her son before he was a teenager, attacked anyone who crossed her loudly in the press, and was a generally 'difficult' lady (to put it nicely!) But she loved fashion and literature, just like 2 other pretty cool young ladies I know, and that makes her noteworthy at the least, and admirable at the most generous. Phew! And now I feel inspired to go and work some more on that essay......
Hope you all had a great bank holiday!
Tor xxx
Thursday, 1 May 2008
TV TV TV: Testing, beta, try-out etc.
Sorry for the delay in the near-daily blather. Me and Tor have been sick (it's all the kissing with tongues we do) and unable to voice our mealy mouthed opinions about stuff 'n' junk. Tor is overrun with deadlines and schoolwork but I, as ever, have no real life or hobbies to speak of, so you're stuck with the Wigmore solo this week and possibly next. As a kind-of experiment, I just ran up a very shit 2 minute video on my BRAND NEW MAC. Yes, you heard right. I have joined the San-Fran hippie-poseur creative professional elite wankerclub du jour. I'd like to say I use it primarily for my creative work but in truth, I mostly use the neato built-in camera to check my make-up and see how cute I look in sepia, infrared and 'cartoon effect'.
With that in mind, here's my very first video blog, concerning the best charity shop find I've had this year. It cost £7 from Cancer Research. It also stinks of pubs and ladysweat because I've worn it three times and Tor once so I actually had to fish it out of th laundry pile. Y'all should thank your lucky stars that Smell-o-vision didn't make it past the 1950s.
Here it is: slurry voice, ill-advised 'humour', Debbie Reynolds tribute opening and all:
Wow. I just--- wow. Next time I'll write a script. And sort out some lighting. And get a voice coach. And learn my angles. And try not to smell like three separate days of human fluid.
I'm still ill you know. That's my excuse. I've watched 3 straight series of The American Office in bed on my laptop. It is vastly superior to the UK The Office. That is my opinion and it is correct. I am also addicted to Mindy Kaling (Kelly from The Office (US))'s awesome and unusually profane shopping blog.
You should probably go and read her. Apparently being an American comedy writer with a shopping addiction is pretty sweet. If I were her, I'd spend all my time trying to marry Paul Lieberstein. The fact that she does not appear to do this makes me respect her a little less.
I recognise he is fictional however so the actor Paul Lieberstein will have to do. This is not so bad, especially as he was also a writer on "Clarissa Explains It All". Clarissa taught a pre-teen Becky that early 90s fashion could one day liberate her from her fat girl baggy t-shity 'n' jeans combo!
Lace, Doc Martens and hipster art -shirts? Screw Claudia Kishi - Clarissa Darling's the auger of mid 00's fashion truth!
Wow, for someone who purported not to want to write anything, I sure have blathered. In summary: TV = universally good, Me + TV = something other than universal good. But hey, online media is where the real writing money is, right?