Hello. I am called Becky and I am the new contributor to this here e-lectronic fashion publication. Before we hit the main theme of this post,here are three pictures to approximate how I roll fashion-wise. It's best we're up front, you and I.
I chose these photos for a reason, internet friend. Not only does my hair look awesome in each but these images illustrate a dearly held fashion-related belief: the theory of the one special thing. Left to right: the pirate hook belt, the peacock feather and the turban.
When I was in my late teens, I realised suddenly that I wasn't in fact Chloe Sevigny. The flaxen hair, the groovy innate style, the Dolce connections....nope, nope and decidely nope.
The scorpion belt. The scorpion belt. The scorpion belt. The outfit is gold by itself but injecting a decorative arthropod into the mix is the little touch of genius. The one special thing rule is so easy to follow and is easy to fit into the most mind-numbing of daily routines. Of course the internet makes sourcing said special incredibly easy. Here are some of my suggestions of accessories that lift the soul:
A bright vintage cape (from ebay.co.uk)

An angora turban
(£15 from Topshop)

Insects lodged in spheres of glass
(J. W. Andersen S/S 08, price on application, boyo.
Radiolaria bracelet necklace from
A Photoshop, an anguished expression and a lobster.
(Lobster from Cheeky Tiki of ebay.co.uk

An angora turban
(£15 from Topshop)

Insects lodged in spheres of glass
(J. W. Andersen S/S 08, price on application, boyo.


(Lobster from Cheeky Tiki of ebay.co.uk
You see? It couldn't be simpler. The dowdiest of outfits are suddenly fit to flounce out the door if you add a little bit of magic. Just contact your inner Dali/homeless lady for details.
Your pal,
Your pal,
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