Primark on a Saturday afternoon is never the most relaxing place to be, fighting through throngs of shoppers with sharpened elbows at the ready. As you can see, on a Saturday afternoon so close to Christmas it's a nightmare. All this I do for you, dear reader!
The neckline on this dress is lovely. I like the slight bondage feel and the sharp angular shapes. And for just £8, it's a snip! Unfortunately tho, it's far to short, and thanks to my rather ample busom, it looks like a maternity gown from the waist down. Behold:
Now I could almost forgive this dress for being a little short if it didn't look like it was made of tinfoil: i'm not sure how festive it is to go to a party dressed like a pre-cooked turkey! Nothing about this dress is flattering or forgiving but on someone very slim and very petite I can see how it might work....just about........
When I took the next dress into the changing room I was expecting it to be hideous: the material felt clingy and the sparkle in the fabric seemed a little too obvious. Imagine my suprise then when it turned out to be my favourite of the bunch! In fact, I liked it enough to show you it twice!
Afternoon tea anyone? 'Nuff said!
So can you get your perfect party dress for under £30 from Primark? Well the good news is that the most expensive dress i tried on was £12, so if any of these took your fancy you could get new jewellery or primark shoes too, for your £30. The bad news? I think I might have to go somewhere else and spend a little more money to get something i'll be wearing this New Year!
The £30 dress-quest continues then....more later in the week x
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