My Ping in

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Art School Fun

Hey All,

Sorry for the long post-gap: I know I whinge about it near-constantly, but i do have a job and a 20,000 word dissertation to write you know!! (In fact, I'm scribbling this down in the office as we speak!)

Anyways, as you all know I go to UEA to do an MA in reading and Becky goes to Norwich Art School to do an MA in art/writing stories and stuff. And as the Norwich Art School had there end of year degree shows this week, and Becky's interested in that kind of stuff, she and I trotted off to take a look. Here are my 3 favourite things from the students finishing their BA (Hons) Contemporary Textile Practices:

Anna Watson 'Untitled'

Jennifer Ball "Re-Made"

Carly Elia "Untitled"

And now that my boss is scowling at me, I have to go back to work!

Love, Tor x

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