My Ping in

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

The world has passed me by.....

Much has happened in the blogosphere (and also the real world) whilst i've been reading kitchen sink realism and forgetting why I was ever passionate about it in the first place. As i'm on the train down to London for yet another job interview and i really need a break I was thinking about the things I might have written about if i'd spent my summer blogging instead. Here is a comprehensive list of the gems we all missed out on:-

- The tears of Callum Best could be heard the world over when Lyndsey Lohan announced she was a lesbian. Ok, so it's not fashion news, but i bet she has been wearing clothes this month and I just can't resist a bit of celebrity gossip.

- Festival fashion! Wellies versus flip flops, practical versus fabulous. Or maybe some clever combination of both. The hippy/gypsy look may flitter in and out of fashion, but it always looks good in a muddy field to me. Celebs and 'ordinaries' alike opted for seventies style headbands, denim shorts and logo tees or floating tops. With the obligatory parka or leather jacket of course. Just for you I would've reported from the front line like a queen. Like a queen!!!

- The glorious summer sales. I know the credit crunch is bad for old peoples electricity bills and homeowners, but it's a bonus if your wardrobe needs updating. The reductions this summer have been some of the biggest i've ever known, and loads of this seasons styles are easily adaptable for A/W too: everyone's a winner (unless you have a mortgage or a pile of bills I suppose!)

-L'oreal, un'real: this is the news that Loreal have faked every campaign they have run this year. First Penelope Cruz sold lash building mascara whilst wearing fake eyelashes, then Andy MacDowell and Jane Fonda had their wrinkles airbrushed and now the latest contraversy is that a computer has whitened Beyonces skin. Does it matter? Do we buy cosmetics based on their advertising? Or are we being tricked into buying products that don't work? We'll never know what I might have said!

- Kate Moss is no fashion icon. Finally the women of the world have united to confirm what i've been convinced of for a long time: being a model and wearing skinny jeans does not a fashion icon make. Miss Moss has been knocked off the most fashionable women in the world list and it's about time. Let's hope her dreary little collection for topshop quickly follows. You hear me Mr Green??

And Finally......

-Office chic. My last job was in a casual office where I plodded around in jeans and flip flops. Combine that with an extra year of student-dom and it's fair to say my wardrobe is a pretty casual (some would say scruffy affair) Which means for each job interview I have been going to, hours of wardrobe anguish have been enjoyed by all. Watch this space for a changing room photo shoot of my new office wardrobe (employment permitting)

Combine this with the pearls of fashiony wisdom that regularly fall from Beckys bloggy fingers and this could've been a good month. Ah Well. I hope you're all having a fabulous weekend.

Love Tor xxx

Ps -I promise i'll stop whineing about my dissertation soon! I'm boring myself!

PPs - This doesn't deserve a full piece of its own, but was anyone else bewildered by Gok Wan crowning 'The street styler of the year' without any of the heats taking place in our nations capital?? Bizarre!!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

A thousand apologies....

Becky and I are drowning in a massive watery vortex. Our clothes are ruined and we've lost the will to live. Alternatively: Becky and I are both very very busy writing our horrible dissertations and just haven't had the time to blog. We haven't even had the time to see each other and hang out, so busy are our schedules. Woe are we!

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel: Becky's work will be submitted in a fornight, mine in four weeks. Then we can play the pointy game in Look magazine, try on clothes we can't afford for your viewing pleasure, and become the fashion monsters we are at heart once more. You'll just have to excuse our extra-pasty skin from all the library hours we've been putting in whilst everyone else is enjoying the sun. Oh well. Back to the archive dungeon for me, whilst you all enjoy this David Bowie video full of wonderful 80s lame delight.

Love, love.
