My Ping in

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

A thousand apologies....

Becky and I are drowning in a massive watery vortex. Our clothes are ruined and we've lost the will to live. Alternatively: Becky and I are both very very busy writing our horrible dissertations and just haven't had the time to blog. We haven't even had the time to see each other and hang out, so busy are our schedules. Woe are we!

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel: Becky's work will be submitted in a fornight, mine in four weeks. Then we can play the pointy game in Look magazine, try on clothes we can't afford for your viewing pleasure, and become the fashion monsters we are at heart once more. You'll just have to excuse our extra-pasty skin from all the library hours we've been putting in whilst everyone else is enjoying the sun. Oh well. Back to the archive dungeon for me, whilst you all enjoy this David Bowie video full of wonderful 80s lame delight.

Love, love.


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