Yesterday I said to my sister that I hadn't done any changing room posts for a while (I will be posting some new purchases later!) and we discussed what theme I should go for in my next changing room saga. Although I doubt i'll top my personal fav,
the DVD (Dick van Dyke) look, I like to have a theme.
Amie responded: Well, I like meat. And I like fashion. Could we try meat fashion? Maybe dress in colours of meat or wear meat clothes? I dimissed her immediately, though I did suggest that I could photograph her with a steak on her head if it made her happy.

Aww, her very own meat helmet!!
Anyway, it looks like the last laugh is on me. For what did I see in the metro this morning but this:

Artist Nancy Wu has made a Chanel style handbag out of yummy beef jerky. Well, I suppose thats one way to deal with the issue of the mid-shopping trip snack! Even the golden chain has beef jerky strips feed between it. The sheets of jerky were hand sewn to create desirable fashion items. There is also a LV wallet thrown into the mix:

The project provides a humorous take on designer accessories, whilst simultaneously making me laugh at the coincidence, and look like a fool!
I've obviously missed the trend, and my sister is the one with her finger on the pulse. Meat and fashion. It's where it's at!
Tor xxx
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