If only I could do the same with my new season shoes. I know I should be opting for chunky heels and manly flats like these and these. I know that these highly wearable offerings have the potential to see me through until summer when I can whip my numerous pairs of beloved gladiator sandals out. But I can't stop thinking about the collection of Em and Sprout pumps. Childlike, sickeningly cute (in fact they are actually sold on a website called sickforcute.com) I just can't get enough of them. I defy you not to fall in love:

These are just some of my favs but the cute shoe possibilities seem endless! Click on each image to go to the shoesies on the site.

These shoes would make my feet happy! I want the minnie ones for my holiday to disneyland, the pac man ones for wearing with jeans and making the bf laugh, and every cutsey animals for wearing with my floral dresses.
Imagine smiling every time you looked at your feet? And you don't need a lot of mullah to buy these shoes! At just $22 a pair (plus the etsey shipping costs, sadly!) these are so barganialicious, cheaper than primark barginalicious, that, despite the fact I know I need one pair of sensible wearable leather shoes, i'm trying to justify buying them all!!
Who says money can't buy happiness?
Love Tor xx
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