My Ping in

Monday, 11 May 2009

Popping on a party hat!

Tomorrow is my birthday. I have taken the day off work (which is naughty really, as I only went back today after last weeks sick week!) and plan to have a wander around Spitalfields with my boyfriend, eat a square pie, and maybe catch a mooovie. Then it's home to change followed by dinner out with friends. A lovely day, indeed! But what would be even more lovely is if, in lieu of paper party hats favoured by Christmas cracker companies, everyone turned up in a Lolitasummer tiny little mini-hat. Because, of course, it isn't really a celebration without a birthday badge and everyone wearing a hat!

Despite this being dinner rather than lunch, in these hats it would be like the prim-est, proper-est (these hats make me make up words!) little tea party and everyone would look like a porcelain doll! The maker of these fabulous hats claims to have a helpless obsession with Alice in the Wonderland. And it really shows!
Although, there are only 12 designs for sale on the etsy page, that's more than enough for one each with a little selection for me!
I don't know why I fell in love with these dinky hats so much; usually I crave something over the top, with colours and feathers flying out in every direction. But today, just this once, I would be truly happy with a little understated lace and button and pastel coloured whimsy perching bravely on top of my head. Who knows, maybe its a sign that my tastes are getting less garish as I age....but I suspect maybe not!!
Love, Tor xx
PS - Is anyone else wondering whether you could DIY something this pretty and dainty at home? I have a sneaking suspicion I will be raiding my scraps and button boxes tonight to find out!!

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