My Ping in

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Yorkshire fashion week (by gum!)

When I read a story in The Mirror about Yorkshire fashion week I thought it was a (not very funny) joke! But actually a quick google search revealed it was true: and still not very funny at all!

I don't know why i'm suprised: The county of Yorkshire sits ajecent to my family's Lincolnshire home, and Leeds and York are teaming with fashion conscious, and fashion forward, young people. It's a little known fact but Yorkshire currently produces fabrics for some of the world's leading fashion houses, including Chanel, Prada and D&G - employing around 40,000 people in the process.

YFW ended three days ago with a spectacular gala show, and I cannot believe I hadn't heard of it before. Still, better late then never, here is the blurb followed by my picks of the collections:

"A new initiative created by the Textile Centre of Excellence in Huddersfield and the region’s Universities and Colleges, Yorkshire Fashion Week 2009 aims to raise the international profile of the region in terms of design and textile manufacturing. To make Yorkshire Fashion Week 2009 happen, we have worked with a number of partners from the private and public sector. Majority funding has come from Yorkshire Forward, with Welcome to Yorkshire and Kirklees council also playing a major part in getting the event off the ground. To ensure collaboration with education authorities, Skillfast UK have lent their invaluable support."
Leeds University

Leeds college of arts

Bradford college

The second dress is my favourite by far; it mixes body con with florals, but still manages to have a gothic edge. And the mix of the florals and polka dots immediately makes me think of Henry Holland: oh how I raved about that collection! The first dress looks fairly generic at first glance, until you realise it is in fact made of wool; i've never seen knitwear look like that before! And the last one? I've always had a secret love of dungarees, since I was a child, and these tailored yet oversized versions could be just what I need to fulfill that fantasy!

Love Tor

NB- I feel awful that I have only been able to attribute colleges to the designers and not names- this info wasn't included anywhere! If i've shown your work and you'd like your name to appear up here then just send me an email!

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