My Ping in

Thursday, 10 September 2009

I'm an Aussie Angel....

...we're like Charlies angels, but much more obsessed with our hair!

It started with an email; an intriguing email from a lady called Lauren asking if I wanted to take part in a secret project. As the email was filtered to my junk mail I thought it was spam, but my curiosity got the better of me and I replied; i'm glad I did. Although the next email from Lauren left me as confused as before, I was officially an Aussie Angel and looking forward to a wonderful girly adventure!
. My first mission was to go on a treasue hunt for an amazing Aussie gift pack. On Friday I was sent a key and a clue (see above!) and worked out that on Saturday morning I would have to go to the Kensington Farmers market on Sydney street; once there all I had to do was unlock the stilo and claim my reward!
A stilo by the way, is a big box full of goodies (see below!)
Aussie were more than generous with their goodie box; it contained a topshop gift card, a voucher for spa treatments and lots of yummy smelling aussie hair products for me to share with my family and friends. And because I was the first to uncover the treasure (the other angels must've all been at home washing their hair!) I was also given a pair of Wella Professional straight shine hair straighteners! How lucky was I?

You can find out more about Project Angel at the Uncover Aussie microsite; create especially for the project! And obviously a huge thank you (thank you thank you thank you!!) to Aussie for asking me to get involved.

Glossy hair but no face - it's too early for make up!

I've heard great things about Aussie products, and they smell good enough to eat, but because of my bleach blonde hairs desire for colouring enchancing product, i've never tried them: this is the perfect opportunity to give it a go, and I will report back letting you know how I get on!
Keep checking back for the next installment of my Aussie adventure!!

Love, Tor x

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