..comment leaver/follower #6. As determined by the random number generator on random.org. That's SARAH ROSE.
Congratulations, the gift will be making its way to you shortly. (i'm still stuck on the couch in bandages and my PJ's, so shortly really means whenever the boyfriend will take it to the post office for me!)
For the rest of you curious monkeys, as well as the glitter and VIP (that's very important poem) the package also includes a necklace from accessorize, a fabric brooch from topshop, aussie shampoo and conditioner, a gorgeous sequinned mirror, lots of different lipglosses, and various other sample sized things. No pictures though, or it wouldn't be a suprise!!
Sorry to everyone who didn't win, but I will be hosting a similar competition at the end of next month to distribute more trinkets: it will be a fabfrocks christmas present!! I hope you all have a great weekend.
Love, Tor xx
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