My Ping in

Monday, 18 October 2010

More prizes with the Fabfrocks Reader Survey!

In an attempt to fulfill my very early (or very late, depending on how you look at it!) New Year's Resolution of making this blog a better one, i've started a reader survey to find out what you guys like, what you do, and who you are!

There are only 15 questions, and it takes less than 3 minutes to complete: I can't promise it will be fun (surveys are never fun!) but I can promise i'll listen and you'll see the results, and the changes I make based on them!

As an added incentive to fill in the survey (and make my day!) one of the questions will ask for your email address (but you don't have to provide it if you don't want to!) All of the email addresses I do receive will be added to a big old box and one will be randomly selected to win the fabulous prize above: my way of saying a big massive thank you for taking part!

The prize is a selection of goodies i've received through the blog over the past month or so, and includes:
- A 30ml bottle of DKNY "Be Delicious"
- A very cute button bracelet
- A can of Batiste "diva" dry shampoo
- A Trafalgar Hotel faashion cotton bag
- A Melvita organic facial wash

Click here to take the survey. Thanks in advance for helping a girl out!

Love, Tor xx

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