My Ping in

Monday, 5 March 2012

Fabfrocks at Home: New Lovely things!

Hi guys,
It's been a little while since I wrote a Fabfrocks at Home post. With the car boot sale season over until April, I haven't been making as many new additions to my vintage treasure trove. But last weekend I went home to visit my parents, and we visited Horncastle, my favourite antiques village, where I picked up some beautiful things:
I picked the old hairdressing mirror up from the Age UK charity shop, for just £1.99. It really needs reframing (the frame is coming to pieces at the back) but I thought it had such great character I was prepared to put a little work into making it lovely. The mantle clock was from one of my favourite antique shops called Great Expectations, and cost £35. I've been looking for the perfect one for ages, but didn't want one with a Victorian-style face. This one is perfect, although its very loud chiming is taking some getting used to!

More exciting than these things though is the most beautiful new acquisition to the fabfrocks household: a gorgeous, vibrant sofa throw (which matches my liberty print paisley fabric and new aubergine rug perfectly) hand crocheted by my mum:
You can only imagine the hours that went into creating this for us: a genuine labour of love. I love the combination of the modern colours and pattern with the old-fashioned technique. The turquoise trim was a complete surprise but it's actually my favourite bit: it really adds drama. It's the perfect match for our modern/vintage home!

Have you made any new home purchases lately? Do you have any favourite shops or antique haunts to share?

Love Tor xx

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