My Ping in

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Hair: Taking a dip!

Hi guys,
My hair has been straight and blonde for years, and I like it, but sometimes it looks and feels a little, well, boring to me. I often flick through hair magazines and admire short assymetric bobs, gamine pixie crops, and
vibrant reds. All amazing looking, but all a step too far for me to try; I'm weirdly overprotective of my hair!
But the trend I've most been tempted by is the dip dye: it ticked all my boxes of making a really bold statement without completely changing my look, and best of all, if I really hated it I could always cut the ends out and noone would ever have to know! So after consulting with my hairdresser when I went for my highlights last Thursday, today I took the plunge....
I know it's a trend that's been around for a while (I'm always behind the times) but I really love it! I wanted it to be a mauve-y purple colour (my latest colour obsession: we've just done our living room this shade!) but apparently because it's going to fade after the first couple of washes, it's started out a little brighter than planned. I think it looks great...even if I do say so myself....

What do you think?! Have you tried anything new with your hair, or given the dip dye trend a go? Or are you tempted to make a hair change, but plucking up the courage to do it? Let's talk about hair!

Love Tor x

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