My Ping in

Friday, 11 January 2013

Health: My New Year's resolution...

Hi guys,
Ugh! It's that time of the year again - time to feel guilty about all your festive overindulgence. And I didn't just fail on my mission not to eat too much once this year: I failed several times. What can I say, who can resist a tin of Quality Street? Or Roses...Miniature Heroes...Celebrations....Thorntons Fudge..... Ahem. Anyway, the point is my newly acquired mummy jelly belly is jiggling about merrily, and like so many other people I've decided that January (as in right now) is the perfect time to start doing something about it!

I'm not signing up to a fancy (or expensive) diet scheme though. Instead I'm heading over to the Bupa website where they have released a whole load of free  Bupa apps to help anyone who's feeling a little frazzled and overindulged after a (let's face it) wonderful Christmas blowout to find healthy.

For me, finding healthy means losing weight, so the tools that will be useful to be are the weight loss tips and the exercise programmes that provide fitness regimes that help to improve fitness levels - and, as a result, your health. But it's not all about weight! There's also a tool that calculates how much alcohol you’re drinking(I could've used that 12 months ago, but sadly didn’t get the chance until now) and you can also assess your own health, enabling you to reduce a risk of illness, and find out more about a variety of common conditions and issues like stress, sleep problems, and giving up smoking.

Bupa also provide cancer risk assessments, augmented by a wealth of information and advice on their Cancer Health tab; this can be found by going through Bupa's "A-Z Health Info Directory" tool, helping users to navigate the whole scope of their health information.
So my plan for January is to eat all the left over Christmas chocolate up as quickly as possible (well, who would throw it away?!) and then start watching what I eat and, more importantly, get back into a new exercise programme that works with my new lifestyle. That will involve lots of walking, a weekly swim, and a weekly very competitive game of badminton with my husband. Oh, and of course daily sessions on the Wii fit: perfect for fitting around baby's nap times!

Are you trying to lose weight this January? Or do you have any other health or fitness goals? I'd love to hear all about them! Go on, writing them down makes it more real, and then you have to do it! Right?!

Love Tor x

*This post is sponsored*

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