My Ping in

Monday, 27 May 2013

Dailywear: A nice day for a white Christening!

Hi guys,
Yesterday was Wilbur's Christening. Which of course meant that I had spent weeks choosing an outfit to wear for the occasion. I wanted to look smart (but not too smart). Conservative (but not too conservative). Feel fashionable, and be comfortable. Here's what I went for:  photo wilburchristening3_zps2069a003.jpg photo wilburchristening4_zpsdf414f7b.jpg photo wilburchristening5_zps2d5dcd05.jpg photo wilburchristening2_zps56129812.jpgThe dress is from French Connection. I managed to get it in the sale for just £30. The shoes are Steve Madden via Sarenza. And although they're high, they were surprisingly comfortable (unfortunately, because it's been so long since I wore heels though, I did have a little wobble!) The suede handbag is from Hotter. I have no idea where I got the belt from! And believe it all not (because I don't think you can tell!) the jacket is from Primark: We were lucky with the weather, and it was so warm I took it off as soon as we left the Church.

And as for the white Christening mentioned in the header? Well here is my little man (now officially Wilbur George) wearing the Christening gown that I also wore to my Christening 29 years ago. And he wears it adorably!
 photo wilburchristening1_zps8a7882c3.pngWhat have you been doing with your bank holiday? Have you been up to anything exciting? After all the running around yesterday, we're planning on spending today on the beach with a picnic, doing very little!

Love Tor x

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