My Ping in

Monday, 3 June 2013

Daily Wear: Just a walk in the park!

Hi guys,
Isn't it amazing how much the weather can change your mood? After a miserable week stuck in the house with Wilbur last week (mostly wearing jeans and baggy tees) I woke up this morning to find the sun shining and the birds singing, and my immediately reaction was Hurrah! It's the perfect day to throw on a dress and go for a walk around the park!

So that's exactly what we're going to do today, complete with rides on the swings and sandwiches under a shady tree. And here's what I'm wearing to do it:  photo park3_zps1bc2814d.jpg photo park2_zpsc93a5874.jpg photo park1_zpsdd650ae2.jpg
The dress is years old (like, I got it when I was at university old!) and is from Topshop. The vintage bag is just as old (I was 19 when I got this bag and I'm 29 now. That's some serious wardrobe longevity!). The necklace is the Black Lily one I showed off last week. And the shoes are from Mellow Yellow via Sarenza. I actually ordered these months ago in anticipation of Spring, but today is the first time I've worn them. I'm seriously excited to take them for a spin, as they're so cute, with their little heart cut out details!

Oh by the way - you may have noticed the new background to my last couple of outfit posts: our new garden! We spent much of this weekend mowing the lawn and weeding the patio: my next job is to paint the fences. It's so much nicer to take photos here without passers by on the street gawking. I feel much happier and comfortable posing too: cue lots more outfit posts to come this summer!

What did you get up to this weekend? Did you do anything nice, to make the most of the sunshine? And do you find the change of weather affects your mood too?

Love Tor x

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