My Ping in

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

July 2013, According to my iPhone...

Hi guys,
I can't believe how fast this year is going: we're already halfway through the summer, and it feels like it's only just started. And with all the events we've got planned for August, I just know that the second half is going to fly by too! Here's what July looked like:

 photo julydoing_zps88e6f646.pngThis has been a busy month on the 'doing' front; Mike and I went to Crazy Bear for our anniversary (check out the gorgeous afternoon tea and the London bus reception!) I had an amazing spa day with my sister and my first post-baby night out (mmmm, cocktails!) and, with the addition of the new border, I've finally finished decorating Wilbur's bedroom: the first room in the house that's finally completely completed!

 photo julywilbur_zpsa184e5e0.pngWilbur has suddenly had a very fast development spurt. He crawls, he stands up and pulls himself up on the furniture, he has two teeth and he steals rice cakes whenever I leave them unattended! This morning I found his attempting to paint my wooden living room floor with a nail varnish - he's going to be such a handful!

 photo julyme_zpscdf731dd.pngSo what about me? Well I've been wearing my new Miista sandals from Sarenza on an almost daily basis, shopping for hats for the two weddings we've got coming up, and I've refound my obsession with painting my nails! I'm now back to freelancing fulltime, which I'm loving, even though it's good fun juggling the work with looking after Wilbur! And other than that I've just been enjoying the new found sunshine with my family and friends.

What have you been up to this month? Has anyone got any really exciting plans coming up for August? I'd love to hear all about them!

Love Tor x

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Get Involved in London Fashion Week, and Enjoy a Great Film!

Hi guys,
London Fashion Week is fast sneaking up on us, and soon the sunny days will be over and we'll be descending on the cobbles to find out what trends we'll all be wearing this time next year. It's like fashion ground hog day: I feel like I keep doing the same things over and over! I always get very excited about London Fashion Week events everyone can get involved in though: I think fashion should be accessible for everyone, and rather than hang out at Somerset House being sneared at by fashion editors, why not go to a fun event that's free and open to all London fashionistas instead?

During London Fashion Week a Fashion Film festival has been launched in association with Silent Cinema. For 3 nights during LFW, there will be a pop-up, full-sized cinema screen in St Martin’s Courtyard showcasing the following films:
Sunday 15 Sept - Zoolander
Monday 16 Sept - Grey Gardens
Tuesday 17 Sept - The September Issue  photo zoolander_zps273c7efb.jpgThe St Martin’s Courtyard Fashion Film Festival will open on Sunday 15 September with a salon fashion show in the courtyard followed by the first screening, and will run until Tuesday 17 September.Silent Cinema is beautifully simple: you wear wireless headphones to watch great films on a full size cinema screen. 100 free tickets are available for each screening through a prize draw. If you’re not one of the lucky ones to win a pair of tickets, be one of the first to arrive on the night and there will be a number of tickets available for each screening on a first come first served basis.

For a chance to get hold of a pair of tickets, visit and enter your details. Winners will be contacted one week prior to the screening. There will also be tickets available on the night.

I'm going to be there on the Sunday night to watch Zoolander (one of my favourite films of all time!) Will I see any of you guys there too?

Love Tor xx

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Shoes: Slightly in love with Terry de Haviland

Hi guys,
I have massively exciting family news this week, which has left me with a huge smile on my face. My little sister Amie is getting married, and I am going to be the (incredibly old sounding) Matron of Honour for the occasion. That means whenever I have been doing any online shopping, I have been deviating towards anything vaguely bridal: think dainty metallic shoes and accessories, floaty lace dresses, and I had a very enjoyable hour looking at the Dreamboys website too (For hen 'do research purposes, of course!)
 photo TdHshoes1_zps45b04426.pngWhen I was busy shopping for shoes for another wedding I have to do to next month, probably because I was still thinking about Amie, these incredible gold Terry de Haviland shoes just jumped out at me. Wouldn't these make amazing bridal shoes for a modern, fashion-forward bride?! I've never been much of a fan of delicate and dainty shoes, so these are perfect for me from that point of view. They would look amazing with a dress that showed a little ankle, or even peeping out from under a floor length sheath dress.

I am thinking of getting these for the wedding I am going to (as a guest) in September: they have been reduced in the sale from £353.99 to £212.39 so from a price point of view they're a damn bargain! And the beauty of a statement shoe like this is that you can wear such a simple outfit with them and still look good for any occasion. I love wearing simple black dresses for almost everything, which means I can get away with wearing almost any shoe I like: the more ornate the better, in my opinion!

What do you think? Would you wear a pair of shoes like this for your wedding?

Love Tor x

*Post written as part of a new partnership with Spartoo shoes

How much will you spend on looking good this summer?

Hi guys,
Just received an interesting press release that I thought I would share, because the numbers in it left me a little shocked! I love shopping as much as the next shopping addict, but even I was surprised at how much the average British woman spends on looking good in the summer: especially given the British summer is so short! But according to research from Lambrini, the average British woman spends £800 on looking good in the summer! Wow.
 photo venice_zpsee2c7b9b.pngHere's how the figures are broken down: More than two thirds (67 per cent) say they splash out more on looking good in July than in any other month. A combination of outdoor events and big social occasions like weddings means 80 per cent will spend £400 on new clothes, while 89 per cent will book-in for £400 of beauty treatments too.

And if that sounds expensive, one in eight British women interviewed for the Lambrini research admits spending £800 on a new hot weather wardrobe. If that sounds like a lot, one in 20 woman say they spend over £1,500 on their summer wardrobe!! Erm, ouch!

I would guess that so far this summer (Despite having two weddings, two christenings and an engagement party to attend, and going on holiday in October) I have only spent around £200. Are British women not wearing any of the clothes they already have in their wardrobe any more?!

How much have you spend on your summer wardrobe? Are you buying a new dress for every summer social occasion you attend, or do you (shock horror) wear the same dress twice, and reuse clothes you've worn last summer? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this: maybe £800 isn't as much money to spend in a month as it feels to me!

Love Tor xx

Sunday, 21 July 2013

The Summer Sales: An Extra 10% off with ASOS!

Hi guys,
All the summer sales seem to be dwindling down, but if you're a concerted bargain hunter like me, that can only be a good thing. It means that rather than getting 30% or 50% off, you can now get up to a whopping 70% off at all of your favourite shops. And if you like ASOS then I have even more exciting news. As well as the sale having up to 70% off, you can now get an extra 10% off all sale items when you enter the promo code TAKE10 at the checkout: that means that theoretically, you could get up to a whopping 80% off your favourite ASOS goodies!

Here are some of my favourite pieces with 70% off (80% off if you remember to apply the extra discount code!) I'm having a mini shopping spree, because I just can't believe how cheap everything is!  photo asossale_zpsa55a5530.pngPurple ruffle front blouse, Was £28 Now £8 (Or £7.20 with that code!)
Top with floral print and cut out back, Was £36 Now £10.50 (Or £9.45 with the code)
Midi dress with embroidered lace top, Was £50 Now £15 (Or £13.50 with the code)
Studded leather look jacket, Was £70 Now £21 (Or £18.90 with the code)
Studded shoulder coat, Was £100 Now £30 (Or £27 with the code)
Lucky U chunky jumper, Was £35 Now £10.50 (Or £9.45 with the code)

There's currently the perfect mix of high summer pieces and more wintery pieces (some of which will still be just as on trend for the approaching autumn/winter!) I just ordered the floral print top, the lucky U jumper and I'm giving serious consideration to buying the coat with the studded shoulders too. I just can't resist a good stud, and I really can't resist a bargain as good as these!

Have you done any shopping this weekend? Have you picked up any bargains, and which shops have you been shopping in? I'd love to hear all about it, and any sale shopping tips too!

Love Tor x

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Shoes: My perfect summer feet!

Hi guys,
Well I'm going to state the obvious and say that it is scorching!! I am currently alternating my time between hiding inside in the shade (the perfect time to go to an air conditioned shopping centre!) and sitting under a parasol in the garden with my feet in the paddling pool - ahh, the joys of freelancing!

Keeping my feet comfortable in this weather is a daily challenge: not glamorous I know, but my feet tend to swell in the heat. I still want to look good though (obviously!) so I need sandals that look amazing paired with simple cotton sundresses, shorts and leggings, but still keep my feet comfortable and give them room to expand at will! I have found the perfect solution: these super-sexy Jonak sandals from Sarenza.
 photo jonak1_zpsd33248b1.jpg photo jonak2_zpsd4aa8db7.jpg photo jonak3_zpsc89481cb.jpgThese are the most comfortable leather sandals I have ever owned. The leather sole is slim and flexible and the pony skin leather upper is so soft: it's like wearing butter on your feet! Because the straps are adjustable and the sides are open it doesn't matter whether my feet are swollen (there's that glamour again!) or their normal size: the shoes still feet comfortable and look great. I promise you, these are like the holy grail of summer shoes!

What are you wearing to keep cool in the heat? And do you have any tips for look sleek and put together when inside you feel like you're melting? I'd love to hear them! I'm not sure I'm keeping my composure at all this week!

Love Tor x

*I am a Sarenza Brand Ambassador

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Primark AW13: Another peek (Because it's all so good!)

Hi guys,
As you're reading this I am at The Crazy Bear in Stadhampton celebrating my 2nd wedding anniversary. But I thought I'd leave you guys with some yummy scrummy Primark fun! I get back tomorrow, and I'll share all the details of my trip!

After last week's peek at some of the campaign images from Primark's autumn/winter offerings, I thought we should have a look at some more of the product we've got to look forward to. I said it last week, and I'll say it again, I'm so excited for all of this stuff to land in store! It's a range that really appeals to me because it's lady-like, grown-up, massively wearable and would fit in so nicely with my existing wardrobe.
 photo primarkwinter4_zps5d6c05d4.png photo primarkwinter5_zps6cc80238.png photo primarkwinter6_zps28a71672.pngImage 1: Sweatshirt, £10. Trousers, £8. Shoes, £18.
Image 2: Jacket, £25. T shirt, £12. Trousers, £16. Shoes, £14. Necklace, £8.
Image 3: Jumper, £10. Shirt, £10. Jeans, £13. Shoes, £14. Earrings, £5.
Image 4: Dress, £13. Boots, £20. Tights, £3.50.
Image 5: Sweatshirt, £12. Skirt, £6. Shoes, £18. Necklace, £8.
Image 6: Coat, £25. Sweatshirt, £10. Trousers, £8. Shoes, £14. Earrings, £5.

The peep toe ankle boots are gorgeous: I tried on a similar pair in Topshop last week, and they were £75. They'd look great with coloured tights or skinny jeans! I also really like the cobalt blue coat, which has an awesome, retro 1980s feel. My final pick? That chunky knit dusty pink jumper is a piece you would buy and wear again and again. It's so versatile, and could be dressed up or down.

Want to see more? Check out last week's post showing the first peek at Primark's new season campaign images.

Is there anything that's caught your eye this time? And what do you think about the new Primark autumn/winter collection - are you tempted to start shopping?

Love Tor x

Monday, 15 July 2013

Looking Back: Two Years Ago Today....

Hi guys,
Today is my wedding anniversary. Two years ago today was a Friday, it was hot and sunny, and it was my wedding day. To celebrate Mike and I are going to The Crazy Bear in Stadhampton, where we will be having an Alice in Wonderland afternoon tea, dinner in their award winning restaurant, then a champagne breakfast tomorrow morning. It's the first time since he was born that I've left Wilbur for more than an hour or two, and I'm both excited and nervous.
 photo wedding1_zpsd288d869.pngTo celebrate this, and because I'm feeling nostalgic (and because it's my blog so I can if I want to!) I'm prescheduling this post and sharing some of my wedding pictures. Again. Because you aren't sick of seeing these already. I know it's self-indulgent, but I have these scattered all over our house, and I never get tired of looking at them. Two years have gone so quickly, and so much has changed already. Let's see what happens after many more wedding anniversaries to come!  photo wedding2_zpscc78c736.png photo wedding3_zpsd88ac2f6.pngWedding season is in full swing again this year - I love weddings, and we have another two to go to before the year it out. They're such a wonderful way of sharing love and happiness with your family and friends - especially when you're the bride!

I hope you have something lovely planned for this week, and that you're feeling as happy and lucky today as I am!

Love Tor x

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Shoes: Quirky Leopard Print Heels!

Hi guys,
Largely due to the popularity of Jeffrey Campbell's mega-heels with fashion bloggers around the world, quirky and unusual shaped sandals are very much 'in!' I've got a pair of the Jeffrey Campbell rocking horse shoes, and they get compliments everywhere I wear them. But I have a not-very-secret, secret about them: they just aren't that comfortable!

These platform sandals, despite their height and the kinky heel, do look like they'd be comfortable though. I think it's because of the buttery soft leather upper and the adjustable ankle strap. I'd never heard of the brand Casadei before, but when I fell in love with these shoes I did a little research. Launched in 1958 in Italy, Casadei is a family-owned company that's proud of it's values and roots. I love Italian leather shoes, and the styles are a perfect blend of classic and glamourous.
 photo spartoonew_zpscd9d7323.png
I admit that I can imagine Nancy Dell'Olio wearing these, but wouldn't they look amazing with a tan and bright red toe nails? Team with jeans or a little black dress for that little bit of WAG glamour we all aspire to every now and again (Even if we don't admit it!)

The additional discounts on the Spartoo sale means that these shoes are now a whopping 70% off: reduced from a huge £526.99 to a much more affordable £158.10. If you want a pair of your own you can buy them here.

Love Tor x

* Post written as part of a new partnership with Spartoo shoes

Friday, 12 July 2013

The Summer Sales: Winter boots at Sarenza

Hi guys,
The Sarenza sale is now in it's second month, and it's still going strong: in fact, if anything, the discounts just keep getting bigger! The thing I like most about the Sarenza sale though is that, unlike other stores and websites, is that it's not just the summer stock that's been discounted. You'll also find amazing discounts on pumps, wintery heels, and even boots. So if you're organised and thinking about next winter, you could get an absolute steal on your winter boots if you buy them now in, ahem, July!

I like to be organised, and my taste in winter boots leans towards the classic anyway, so picking up sale bargains works perfectly for me. Regardless of your tastes, or the kinds of boots you like, I think they have something for everyone. Here are my picks of the best boots available in the sale right now:  photo sarenzaboots_zps0fbb2da4.pngEmu Australia floral boots. Was £200, now £100. Buy them here.
Camel Georgia Rose biker boots. Was £95, Now £38. Buy them here.
Jeffrey Campbell pink studded boots. Was £160, Now £64. Buy them here.
Mustang cowboy boots. Was £70 Now £33.60. Buy them here.
Tan heeled ankle boots. Was £140 Now £56. Buy them here.
Sweetie wellington boots. Was £31 Now £18.60. Buy them here.

So what do you think? Am I a savvy bargain hunter, or absolutely mental for thinking about next winter when the sun is shining so brightly? And will you be checking out next seasons boots this July?

Love Tor x

*I am a Sarenza brand ambassador

The Summer Sales: Starting with River Island!

Hi guys,
The summer sales are well and truly in full swing! I popped into the city for a mini shopping trip yesterday, and struggled to find a single store that didn't have a huge sale sign in the window! As has become tradition, the first sale I want to talk about is River Island. Usually I come out with bagfuls of stuff, but this time I only picked up two vests: one of which, I have to say, is the most flattering vest I have ever owned!
 photo riverislandsale1_zps410802ef.pngI could have spent a small fortune on bags and shoes, which are always the highlight of the River Island sale for me, but I showed some rare restraint, and actually put the two bags I was carrying back! So if you do pop to the River Island sale what can you expect to find in store? And what do I think are the biggest bargains available? Here are my picks:
 photo riverislandsale2_zpsd1c84ae5.pngRed oversized slouchy jacket, Was £35 now £20
Black and white drop hem dress, Was £28 now £15
Black and white 3D flower Tshirt, Was £15 now £7
Orange skull studded slipper shoes, Was £28 now £12
Red one shoulder pencil dress, Was £45 now £15
Pink fluro 'famous' belt, Was £10 now £3
Pink stone ring, Was £8 now £2
Cream studded clutch bag, Was £50 now £25

I chose these pieces because you'll still be able to wear them through the autumn too, and given we aren't expected to have much of a summer, if you pick up any high summer bargains then you're unlikely to get a lot of wear out of them!

The sale is available in store and online at, and is well worth checking out! Have you shopped the River Island sale so far this sales season? And have you had any amazing bargains?

Love Tor x

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Primark AW13: The first campaign images are here!

Hi guys,
We're finally having our first heat wave of the year, so it seems natural that now would be the perfect time for me to start talking about autumn/winter. Because what everyone wants right now is a new winter coat! Seriously though, the first campaign images from Primark for autumn have been released, and I knew I had to share them as soon as I saw them!

The unwearable crop tops and youth-focus of the spring/summer collection has gone. Instead it's been replaced with a grown up, lady like range that is really wearable and very covetable. There are so many pieces I'm lusting after that it's hard to know where to begin:
 photo primarkwinter1_zps0da40178.png photo primarkwinter2_zpsbc5a3438.png photo primarkwinter3_zps792fa20c.pngImage 1:Leopard print sweater, £10. Ring sets from £3.
Image 2: Nude coat, £32. Nude cropped jumper, £10. Nude trousers, £12.
Image 3: Black and white jumper, £14. Black skirt, £14. Black heels, £16.
Image 4: Leather sleeve coat, £28. Shirt, £12. Trousers, £12. Bag, £10. Trainers, £12.
Image 5: Grey and black dress, £17. Bag, £4.
Image 6: Pink coat, £25.

Where do I even start with my list of items I'm coveting? Obviously, because I'm a coat addict, I'd like the leather sleeved cream coat. The full faux leather skirt is just made for teaming with a vintage-style tee and heeled ankle boots. And that leopard print sweater has my name written all over it!

I really do like this collection. It feels like it's aimed at 20-somethings, rather than the teens and pre-teens of the past couple of seasons. What do you think? Is there anything you really like from Primark autumn/winter so far? Or is it just too early to start thinking about your winter wardrobe?

Love Tor x

Monday, 8 July 2013

Daily Wear: The Perfect Stripey Dress From Joules

Hi guys,
I have written before that on a day to day basis I have a very specific mummy uniform that I tend to wear: simple blouses, pumps, and skinny jeans. I still wear fashion-focused clothes a lot too (mostly at weekends or when I'm going out without the baby) but for running errands, crawling around on the play mat and going to baby groups it's the mummy uniform all the way: I suppose that's one of the bonuses (and downsides) of working from home. However occasionally, I find a compromise dress like this one. It's simple and preppy so it fits in perfectly with my mummy uniform, but it's a little more dressed up and smarter too:
 photo joules2_zps179628a7.jpg photo joules3_zps72b8da7d.jpg photo joules1_zps3532cabf.jpgThe dress is from Joules (It's the Thurwell heavyweight dress and it costs £49.95). I've teamed it really simply with my new Minna Parrika bunny pumps, black suede tassle bag from Hotter, Missoni sunglasses and black leggings. No fuss, no jewellery. Just an easy to wear outfit that I know is quickly going to be a go-to look for busy weekdays.

The dress is made from a lovely and soft, but really heavy sweatshirt material. The thicker fabric means the dress hangs really well and looks super flattering. It also comes with the added bonus of not needing to be ironed which is a massive plus for me: and there aren't many dresses you can say that about! And I just love my new bunny shoes: I've had them on almost constantly since they arrived. They make every outfit look a little bit happier!

I'm not the only one that's been wearing lovely Joules products this week: you can read Wilbur's review of his new little nipper short suit over on the Fabfrocks and Family blog.

Love Tor x

*I was sent this dress from Joules for the purpose of this review

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Shoes: Rainbow Striped Boots for Wet Summers!

Hi guys,
I know it's summer and we should all be padding around in our flip flops. But realistically, with all this rain we've been having, the ideal pair of summer shoes right now is a pair of ankle boots. I have had my black studded ankle boots on nearly every day for the past couple of weeks. They go with everything, but they don't really feel too summery. But luckily, ankle boots don't have to be wintery: you can buy summer ankle boots too! I love these rainbow striped boots from United Nude and they would just be perfect for wearing right now.  photo unitednude_zpsbfa371ee.png They're made from a mix of leather and textile, and the low heel means you could wear them all day without any foot discomfort: the holy grail of shoes! I really like United Nude shoes: they're always really unusual, and wearing a pair is such an easy way to make a statement.

The Spartoo sale is still going strong, so these shoes have 20% off: reduced from £145.99 to £116.79. If you want a pair of your own you can buy them here. I have an orange chiffon dress from Topshop that these would look amazing with. They'd also look great with basic silk vests and jeans: they'd make a really simple outfit like that look really on trend.

What shoes are you wearing in all this horrible summer rain? Are you back in your winter boots like me, or are you risking getting wet toes in your flip flops because, godammit, it's July! I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Love Tor x

* Post written as part of a new partnership with Spartoo shoes

Monday, 1 July 2013

June 2013, According to my iPhone

Hi guys,
Wow the months are flying by! I can't believe it's already July - that means my baby is already 7 months old, it's summer holiday season, and we're closer to next Christmas than we are to last Christmas (Is that the earliest I've ever mentioned the dreaded 'C' word?!) So what have I been up to in June? Here's the months photo review...

 photo juneme_zps6c87ecf5.pngThis month I've been focusing on working on the house! We've painted the kitchen (bubblegum pink!) and this weekend we went to Ikea to buy new door knobs for the kitchen cabinets - we just need to paint those cabinets and replace the floor then the kitchen is finally finished! The best 'me' news of the month? My bunny shoes have arrived!

 photo juneeating_zps5d38b459.png
In a bid to get Mike more interested in eating salad I have made a sausage and egg salad this month- and it was delicious!! I also made homemade burgers with ice cream thick shakes, Cajun salmon with sweet potato wedges and eating out I had a great pizza at Frankie and Bennys and Chicken salad at M&S. I just love to cook! Would you guys be interested if I decided to share some of my recipes?

 photo junewilbur_zps0df265cb.pngWilbur gets cuter by the day (even if I do say so myself!)  This month he has been to the dinosaur park, visited the donkeys at the open farm, played in the ball pool, paddling pool, his brand new swing, and his appetite only gets bigger- I've never known a baby like food so much! Like mother, like son!!

Love Tor  xx