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Monday, 26 August 2013

Guest Post: Affordable Shopping for New Season Trends

Everybody has that one friend who can waltz into a shop and return after five minutes with bags full of the season’s latest trends...then you hear how little they paid for everything and you’re left bemused and, in all honesty, pretty damn jealous. Well hopefully this guide will give you a head start on kitting your wardrobe out with must have garms for AW13 without the designer price tag!

Animal Print
Just when we thought it was time to trade in that leopard print coat, Burberry rock up at London Fashion Week with a whole host of animal print designs to bring the trend back to life. For those who dare trying, combine various prints into one outfit. When done right, it’s the ultimate style statement for the fashion gurus out there.
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Winter Floral
Who said flowers are just for Summer? Next season we are set to see an explosion of wintery floral prints to bring some colour into our dowdy December wear. Ultimately feminine and full of fun, a versatile floral with brighten any outfit.
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Next season is all about slouchy, oversized clothing. Apart from being incredibly comfortable, oversized items can channel a multitude of looks depending on what you wear them with. Keep an eye out for apparel inspired by the days of punk and grunge. Although this was big last year, a more subtle approach to this look is set to be at the forefront of fashion next season.
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Bold Prints
 photo guestbold_zpsee276386.pngIt seems the trend next season is to incorporate exotic Summer colours and eye catching prints into your Autumn/Winter attire. Geometric designs are always popular, and when accessorised with a large statement necklace will give you an outfit to get those fellow fashionistas hankering for your style flair.

And remember it’s not always the clothing that makes an outfit, accessorising is the key to a successful style. Use an oversized handbag or bold coloured shoes to make a statement. Team plain clothing with large jewelled necklaces or an extravagant headpiece to add a quirky edge to your look. Don’t forget it’s not always designer or high street stores that hold your every fashion need, having a rummage in charity shops, boot sales and vintage fairs could result in you finding your favourite piece of timeless treasure!

Natalie Gale  is an online content writer for Surfdome specialise in the latest fashions and best equipment for extreme sports such as skating, surfing and snowboarding

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