My Ping in

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Feeling Beautiful

This is the first beauty post I’ve written on this here blog, because if I sometimes feel like I don’t know much about fashion, I know I know even less about beauty! But I felt compelled to say something, because, without sounding really advertorial (which I hate!) my boyfriend, god bless him, brought me a fab gift on Saturday whilst we were out shopping for new electric toothbrushes (it’s a glam life isn’t it?) Basically it’s a A4 sized palette full of eyeshadows.

Here’s the blurb from the Boots website, because they say it as well as I could:

“Front Cover Rainbow Eyes has all you need to create amazing eyes. With expert instructions to show how you can dare to wear any shade. Includes:-
25 eye colours
Solvent that turns eyeshadows into eye liners
2 double ended eye brushes”

So why is this such a good thing, I hear you asking. Its just eye make up right? Well this is where you’re wrong! See, I have a series of strict eye make up criteria, which means that my eyeliner and eyeshadows (including the crazy glitter stick I bought on a whim) are from urban decay. It’s the only stuff I’d ever found that I could put on at 7 in the morning and it would stay on all day and night (and id still look like a drunken version of my glamourous self at 3 in the morning!) Brightside this may be, but at more than £10 per colour, I only own three (black, blue and green, in case you wondered!)

Five days into the “Rainbow eyes” experience then, and I’m a convert. This week the palette is half off at £15 from boots (which, a quick google search has shown, is the only place you can buy it) That means each colour only costs 60p!! They last all day and you can literally try anything that takes your fancy.

On Sunday night whilst playing like schoolgirls my sister and I experimented with a jungle theme (every shade of green you could imagine) nu rave (acid pinks and yellows) and what my sister called the unicorn (whites and pinks and, finally a brown horn splaying halfway up my forehead!)

Today I’m sporting what the ‘how to’ instructions call the wow factor; electric blue eyes that I know will look as good in the pub tonight as they do today. Result!!

Basically, this pallette means you can try anything. Like the gothic black eyes everyone is saying are 'hot' this year, or these fabulous colourful 'eye-deas' I found on flickr this morning and am eager to try to replicate tonight!

So this is what I think about eye make up; sorry for the detour from my normal highstreet fayre, but don't worry! Normal fashion service will resume tomorrow!!

Tor x

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