My Ping in

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

What time is it? Why, it's mid-season sales o'clock!!

Hey everyone,

It comes around so fast, and now it's here again: it's mid season sale time!! I'm not afraid to confess i'm a sucker for the highstreet: maybe it comes from not being able to afford anything that costs more than £19.99, but I love looking through magazines, seeing things I like then buying "in the style of" gear for a fraction of the price. And I love taking this stuff and making it my own. Would I take scissors to/stick sequins on/raise the hemline of couture? No I would not! Do I spend most of my weekends doing just that to the crap I pick up from Primark? Yes I do! And I love it and I wouldnt want it any other way! (unless someone wanted to give me some couture...then i could be persuaded to change my mind!)

With this yay for the highstreet attitude in mind, I headed to the river island sale which was both encouraging and disappointing. Disappointing because there wasn't a massive range of stuff in the sale (only 3 rails worth in the big oxford street store) but encouraging because the items that they were price slashing were of a really good quality.

In standard fabfrocks format, here's my "3 of the best":

Dress 1: Dip dye fabulousness

I wish I was better at the slow reveal, but this was my favourite dress of the 3 I tried on. The fabric was really soft against the skin (I know I sound like an advert for fabric softener, but it's true!) and the little jewels and details on the waist band were adorable. It squished my boobs a little but I loved it anyway. The merge into black was very flattering on the chunkier thigh, and the gathering at the neckline was a nice extra detail.

Dress 2: A mesh up

Yikes! Thats waay more breast than anybody needs to see! The puffball skirt on this dress was very cute, as were the details on the shoulders. Both things were also quite slimming and flattering, which is always a good thing. But for me, the see through mesh revealed a little too much. In fact, I think it would reveal too much of anybodys breasts, unless you were 10 feet tall with a particularly long collar bone..or something....

Dress 3: Ditsy Pretty

The title I have bestowed upon this dress probably says it all. It's ditsy, it's pretty, it fit quite nicely and that's about it. It did have a cute button up detail at the back, but I just didn't find it that fabulous. Maybe it was the mauve colour, which is one i'm not overly keen on, but this just didn't excite me. Although having said that, it fit nicely, and what do you want for £15? Wait a minute....this is why my wardrobe is so full of stuff I never wear...suddenly it all becomes clear!

Tonight i'm meeting my sister to devour the sale rail at topshop, oxford circus. Believe me, if there's anything worth trying on, I'll be reporting back tomorrow.


Tor x

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