This is just a teeny tiny very quick post to say thank you to the wonderful folks at
Catwalk genius, courtesy of whom I have just been awarded tickets to several LFW shows (yeah baby!!!) I'm so excited I don't know what to do, I just feel like jumping up and down (and up and down and up and down...you get the idea!)

See look how happy and excited I am! And how chubby my cheeks are when I smile....dammit!! Thank God I was already dressed up a little more than usual for work today, because i'm going to the launch of the Summer Rayne Oakes
style naturally book tonight! All this excitement is too much to take!
Now I know its obvious to say that I look a little Luella here, but I was actually channelling SS09 House of Holland. What do you think?

Anyway I have to scoot if I want to get to that first show! After i've jumped up and down a bit more to get all the excitement out of course! I'm taking my camera and my notebook, so expect gossip and photos galore when I get back!
Lots of love,
Tor xxx
PS - I shall be tweeting often throughout the day and weekend, so if you want to follow me in "real time" and endure the randomness that often pops into my head then i'd love you to!!
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