My Ping in

Monday, 16 February 2009

Style, naturally....

Wowzers, I can't believe I took a 12 day blogging hiatus without even intending to; so unlike me! (cue loud guffaw!)

Basically, I took a week off work to sort out our lovely new house; painting everything brilliant white, building endless flatpack, hemming tableclothes and taking up curtains (it's an exciting life isn't it?) and during all this activity BT were supposed to connect my internet. Only they didn't; Damn you BT! Damn you to the burning fires! This means that I am internet free until February 25th. Who would've thought just a few years ago that being without internet for a couple of weeks would feel like having your arms cut off?? However, despite the lack of internet at home, I am going to try to persevere and blog everyday. I love it!

Also this week, amist the homebuilding activity (photos to follow when i'm happy with everything, honest!) I received an invitation. Telling you about this will form the basis of this the suspense building yet?!

Well if it hasn't, tough, because i'm going to tell you anyway! On Friday 20th February (this Friday in fact) Myself and my sister Amie, whom as always is designated guest, are going to the launch of Summer Rayne Oakes book Style, Naturally. And suddenly the post title made sense!

As well as a book launch, the event is a fashion show as it will encorporate prophetik designs A/W 09 runway show. Prophetik are a sustainable fashion company, and most of there designs are in fairtrade cotton; they seem nicely made, and there message is admirable, but the designs themselves are very mainstream for my personal tastes (although I do like that Chanel style cardigan!):
Still; I'm soo excited!
I haven't read the book, so I have no idea how good it is, and I would never lie to you about these things dear reader! However, as it launched in New York last week (the launch party was held at the Stella MacCartney boutique!) if you have read it, let me know what you thought! And if you're based in London and you'd like to read it, see below:
Oh and as an aside, Summer Rayne has a really good website and blog if your interested in sustainable fashion. Which I am, provided it still looks good: looking good is king! But if you can look good and not add to global warming or rely on child labour then all the better.

Oh and another aside (the final one, I promise!) is it just me or is Summer Rayne too good to be true?? She's stunningly gorgeous, and a model and she does charity work, and promotes sustainablity. So she's beautiful and a good and selfless person!? If I wasn't invited to her party I might jealously hate her a little bit....

Love Tor

PS - What the hell does one wear to a book launch party!??


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