My Ping in

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Stick it on my head!

Hi guys,
I think I have a problem, and there seems to be no cure. Recently I have become rather obsessed with headwear, and more specifically, with bows.
It started off small, with this glitter covered cartoonesque bow I wore for New Year. But since then the obsession has grown.....
....Next I found this rather wonderful pink number in Topshop and I knew that I wouldn't be able to rest until it was on my head. But before long, even that wasn't big enough.....
.....So last week I bought this enormous verging on the ridiculous number from Johnny loves Rosie; golden yellow satin to clash with my hair and make me feel fabulous. Plus it has the added bonus of embarrassing the boyfriend whenever I insist on wearing it out! .
Now i'm frightened I can't stop. I have been lusting and lusting after a Tour de Force headpiece, so imagine my delight when my catwalk genius newsletter landed in my inbox with news that a selection have been reduced to up to half off!!
I can't decide between the Nautical Feast (reduced from151 euros to 69) or the puff bow (reduced from 140 euros to 69). Now i'm left puzzling; would it be wrong to buy both? PS - theres loads of other stuff in the catwalk genius sale, so if your idea of fun isn't wearing a hairpiece bigger than your head (and shame on you!) then it's definitely stuff worth checking out!)
Love, Tor x

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