My Ping in

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

How do we feel about Toywatch?

...I ask because, as I never wear a watch myself, I don't know! On the one hand, I enjoy the vibrancy of the colours and the chunkiness of them and on the other hand...well....they look a tiny bit tacky don't they? I guess that's the point!
I'm not a fan of the chunky metal and sporty ranges, but I must admit to having a secret weakness for the plasteramic range: Chic ceramic looking plastic watches. The way I see it, if you're going for the oversized neon tack factor, you might as well go all out for it! And Michelle Obama agrees with me it seems: she rocked the oversized lilac version on a recent holiday in France.
If I was going to get involved, it would be with this bright canary yellow jelly watch. It's an unmissable wrist adornment of sunglasses-required brightness; what's not to love? But of course, no matter how cool it is, I wouldn't wear this watch: despite my constant bangle wearing, I find having a watch strapped to my wrist very distracting and irritating!
So why all this talk about watches from someone who doesn't even wear a watch I hear you ask? Because maker of above mentioned neon watches Toywatch is set to launch its first ever flagship store on London’s Regent St.
Coinciding the opening with London Fashion Week, ToyWatch is also collaborating with LFW to produce an anniversary Limited Edition style celebrating 25 years of London Fashion Week. Apparently "details of the style are firmly under lock and key, but soon to be released…"

The fashionista version of the fluoro watch is coming. You have been warned.

Love, Tor xx

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