My Ping in

Friday, 30 October 2009

What's in the window: Primark Christmas edition

More great windows, more moody people sitting outside waiting forever. And this time there's the addition of bright white Christmas trees. It could only be the Primark 'What's in the window' Christmas tree spectacular!!

Pay particular attention to the electric blue fur in the first picture, for I bought it! I will be showing you pictures of myself dressed up like a big blue yeti (or Sully from Monsters Inc) early next week. Also note that the woman sat down in the second picture looks like she wants to kill me. I was frightened by her angry demeanour - i'm such a wimp!

I know in my head that it's too early to be in the Christmas spirit, but with the gifts on the shelves and most of the stores having their windows decorated, my heart is telling me that it's time to feel festive!! The boyfriend and I are doing our first Christmas shopping trip tomorrow: I have a lot of presents to buy. Please don't judge me!

Love, Tor x

Thursday, 29 October 2009

ASOS Black Christmas range launches on Monday!

After yesterday's rant about the new Kate Moss Christmas collection, here is a preview peek at a Christmas collection which is set to be anything but boring. The ASOS Black Christmas range is set to be beautiful, glamourous, and unusual. Here's the promised peek:


It launches on Monday, so sadly you can't leave me here sharing my thoughts to pop over and buy it now. But if you are planning to log on to click-and-buy on Monday, please form an orderly line behind me. I want that cage skirt! And to those of you wondering how practical it is, think on this: you're standing in a bar trying to get a drink. Drunken christmas party goers are crowding around you getting lairy. As you're friends jostle and groan whilst elbows hit their ribs and drunks step on their shoes, who is having the last laugh? Why, it's you with your instant personal space creator (ie the cage skirt) of course! I am aware that it could also be a hinderance to sneaky snogs under the mistletoe, but I say you're too pretty for kissing non princes anyway!
I also adore the feather cape which I am already slotting into my wardrobe as I type. I envisage wearing it over layers of black, and throwing it over my coat to add volume (and a little extra warmth) for the above mentioned glam nights out. Don't let it be said that you don't get practical tips from me!!
Monday can't come fast enough for me - and I just got paid too!

Love, Tor xx

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Kate Moss @ Topshop 12th collection launches tomorrow...

...will there be no end?! It feels like only yesterday that I was standing outside topshop armed with camera and notebook, reporting on the launch of the first Kate Moss collection (that was in the days before this blog) People queued round the block-it was exciting and innovative and you came out the other side owning a little piece of Kate Moss. I interviewed girls that we're squealing about their sucesses and falling over themselves for a glimpse of each piece. And I genuinely feel like that collection (although, even then, not particularly fashion forward) was certainly inspired by Kate's style and therefore perfect for anyone coveting her distinctive look.
Roll forward 12 collections (I still can't believe it's that many) and I know i'm not the only one who's tired of it all. I know that both because you guys tell me and because of the massive quantities of Kate Moss stock on the sale rails and in the now famous topshop outlet store. But I also know that the collection just doesn't feel very Kate anymore; it could've (and probably was, lets not be niaeve) been designed by anyone. You don't see her wearing her own pieces anymore. Well, except maybe to the launch party. In the months after the launch of the first collection you couldn't move for pictures of Kate (and various other celebs in fact) wearing her own designs. It just doesn't feel genuine any more, and I feel like your paying extra for ordinary topshop clothes with a supermodel name on the label. It makes me tired just thinking about it.
Anyway, for those of you that still care (and I do still like to look at the pictures and think about them) here is my pick of the best. The blurb follows:

Kate Moss Topshop Christmas 2009 presents a collection of luxurious yet sophisticated oriental-inspired pieces, perfect for day and evening festive wear. Influences of traditional Chinese and Japanese clothing run through the collection.Continuing from the previous season, Christmas embraces chic, smart tailoring.Underwear makes a prominent return this season, with the debut of nightwear. Beautiful printed chiffons in triangle shape bras and teddies are feminine, whilst a leopard print balcony bra with an eyelash lace trim has instant sex-appeal. Floral printed silk pyjamas are adorned with an embroidered ‘K’ and come with a drawstring bag in the same material making it the perfect gift for Christmas.
Etc until you enter a deep sleep.
Love, Tor x

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Etsy obsession of the week: teeny tiny skulls

Hi guys,
I came across this etsy store via the Style Child blog last week, but I can't stop thinking about it and looking at it. A necklace from Moon Raven Designs is now firmly on the top of my wish list. And before I attempt to use inadequate words to explain why, i'm going to show you: The pieces from top to bottom are a raven's claw, a bat skull, and a crow skull. The description on the site explains how these pieces are made (this one is for the second piece, the bats skull) This hot cast bronze bat skull is made from a real brown bat that died of natural causes. It is made of solid bronze, not plated white metal. This nicely detailed skull only measures 1" long not including the bail. The easily removable lower jaw is fully articulated, opening and closing just like the original skull.
I find anatomy fascinating and it's incredible to me that you can have a working version of something so delicate and intricate and amazing (look at me gush!) hanging from your neck. I appreciate that to some people these necklaces seem a little morbid and to others a little scary, but to me they are a fantastic celebration of the curious creatures our little planet holds.
My boyfriend rarely reads this lil blog (having zero to no interest in fashion!) but I am not so secretly hoping that nearer the festive period he checks it out for gift ideas and finds this neatly wrapped up post complete with link sitting and waiting for him. Like KD, it's the bats skull that I love most, by the way (cough, cough, hint, hint!)
Yours not-so-subtly, Tor xx

Monday, 26 October 2009

Where did they British textile industry go?

In an article about an M&S dress worn by Sarah Cameron (the wife of Conservative party leader David Cameron, for the non Brits) in the Daily Mail yesterday, I read the following piece of text with great interest:

Marks & Spencer now manufactures only 5 per cent of its clothing in the UK.
Another great British brand, Jaeger, which as recently as 1983 manufactured 95 per cent of its garments in the UK, has since allowed the number of its British manufacturers to dwindle to precisely zero.
Burberry, too, which is fond of trumpeting its British heritage, oft repeating the fact that its trench coats were designed to keep our soldiers dry in the trenches of World War I, and which was welcomed back into the fold of London Fashion Week last month, closed yet another UK factory in January this year - in Rotherham, South Yorkshire - with a loss of 170 jobs.

It made me think about where my own wardrobe was produced, and whether that was something I felt comfortable about. Not just because of the often young workers in these far off countries being paid an unliveable wage (something we are all aware of and have all read about) but because of the decline of skills and jobs for British fashion workers. Because the heritage and reputation we have for our skilled tailors, precise seamstresses and accurate machine workers will die when these people have to retrain, because there isn't a job for them in fashion anymore.

Before he joined the army my dad had an apprenticeship to a tailor. Amongst his many stories (my dad is fab and full of stories!) is one about the ageing tailor who taught him who would skimp a quarter of a centimetre off the seam of every suit he produced until he had enough spare fabric to make my dad his first bespoke suit. The admiration in dad's voice when he tells this story speaks volumes. During the 80s my mum had a different dress for every ball she attended. They were hand made by the seamstress she used for my dads entire career (the only one she trusted with her dresses!) I distinctly remember sitting at the bottom of the stairs, aged 6, and watching her descend in acres of polka dot tulle. I gasped and declared her a princess. For years that dress stayed in her wardrobe, always referred to as "the princess dress". It stikes me that in this day in 2009 my mums seamstresss and my dad's tailor would probably be out of a job.

Today I am wearing head to toe Topshop (my new day of the dead skirt, a black silk top, oversized necklace and leggings) A faux pas I know but it looks pretty great! As you know, a lot of my clothes come from topshop. But looking inside the tags of these I see "made in Romania" "made in India" and "made in China"."Made in England" is a label I see now only in vintage and charity shops.

And this makes me wonder whether looking great is a big enough reason to keep buying these things. I'm certainly no activist, but maybe if we all pulled together and only brought clothes with that elusive "made in England" label on it then the stores would have to sit up and take note. In New York the fashion industry pulled together with a campaign to use and preserve their garment industry. Isn't it time for London designers to do the same thing?

Sorry for the rant!
Love, Tor xx

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Saturday morning shopping haul

So yesterday morning I spent an hour in possibly the ugliest of London's shopping centres; externally at least. Inside it's quite nice, but outside it makes my heart sink everytime I drive passed it. Yes, i'm talking about the eyesore that is Brent cross. I only really popped in on my way to the supermarket so that I could go to Topshop and check out the sale. And to be honest I found it pretty disapointing; on the website there were loads of dresses that I wanted but in the brent cross store they didn't seem to stock anything in a size bigger than a 10. So sadly I will have to go to the mayhem of the oxford street store to pick them up. However I did get some stuff. (Don't I always!?) And here it is:


Skirt £15, Headband from £8 to £4, Necklace from £15 to £7. I love the pattern on this skirt which fits incredibly well; skulls and skeletons dressed to look like pretty ladies. Yum! The bow headband is another for my growing collection; more subtle than the rest. However the piece that I am most impressed with is the necklace. Only last week I mentioned how much I love cameos and you can have no idea how much it excites me to have this oversized one dangling from my neck!

River Island


Reduced from £34.99 to £12. This tunic is a funny length between a top and a dress but i'm going to style it with leggings and worn over a slightly longer line vest.
There are sales everywhere at the minute, I just wasn't really feeling like shopping this morning (I know, not like me!!) and so I only went into two shops and was in and out of the mall within an hour. However anyone smart who likes to plan ahead should be thinking about their Christmas presents whilst the prices are reduced. Thats my advice anyway! You can guarentee they won't be in December and the half price topshop jewellery really will make great gifts for girlfriends!
While I'm talking about Christmas I was disconcerted to hear today that my sister has now finshed her Christmas shopping. Finished! I haven't even started yet. How are you guys getting on with yours? Or is it still too early to think about it?
Love, Tor xx

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Great competition, but only if you're quick!!

Hi guys,
When I got sent details of this great competition, I knew I had to share it with you, despite the deadline being this Monday!!
Jimmy Choo and Elton John AIDS Foundation have launched a photo competition to support the launch of Project PEP, a charity collection that donates 25% of sales to the Simelela Rape Centre in South Africa . The money goes towards providing the HIV-preventative treatment PEP (which must be taken within 72 hours of exposure to HIV) and counselling to victims of rape in South Africa, which has the highest count of rape in the world.
The theme of the photo competition is "You, your shoes, and 72". Here are some of my favourite entries so far:
Those who submit their entries before 26th October will be shortlisted for an exhibition at the celebrity launch event at Selfridges London on 29th October. On this night Tamara Mellon will launch the ‘PEP-Up Shop’ at Selfridges, which will display the Project PEP collection and the selected photo entries for 72 hours thereafter.
The overall winners will be announced after the competition close on 7th December. On offer is a Grand Prize of the ultimate Jimmy Choo VIP experience – the winner will be invited to spend a day of luxury and the Jimmy Choo HQ and choose 7 pairs of shoes and 2 handbags to keep. Plus over 100 exclusive Jimmy Choo prizes will also be awarded.
An amazing prize for an amazing, and very worthwhile competition. If I had any kind of talent for photography at all, I would definitely be planning out an entry- why not give it a go!?
Love, Tor xx

Friday, 23 October 2009

Fabfrocks reviews: Christian Lacroix absynthe

When I got home last night I was pleasantly suprised to find a parcel on my doorstep containing a bottle of the new Christian Lacroix perfume, Absynthe. This is the third perfume collaboration Lacroix has done with Avon, but the first I have tried. I opened it and was immediately impressed by the pretty bottle and the rich metallic absinthe-green colour of the packaging.
The official line on the product is that the scent is a mysterious green-oriental, inspired by "the green faerie of absynthe", with notes of absynthe, anise, saffron, floral touches of freesia and narcissus, on a bed of smoked woods, ebony, musk, myrrh and a smidgen of amber. However I had important things to do last night (like shout at the TV during question time) so I didn't open and smell until this morning.

My nose was particularly sensitive this morning as I had a bit of a hang over (more on that later) and I could definitely smell the absinthe in the perfume. I don't think this is a bad thing by the way, just unusual. I like unusual perfume! When I said this to the boyfriend however, he wrinkled his nose and asked why anyone would deliberately use perfume that made them stink like a hobo booze hound. I'm sharing this because it made me laugh!
Once left on the skin to air the overriding smell of the scent is very feminine and floral. More so than you initially expect it to be, as the original scent was quite musky. 4 hours later I can still faintly smell the perfume (this is better longevity than a lot of the higher end products on the market although not as long as I would like!) and I am enjoying it's gentle fragrance.
Admiring the flamboyance of Christian Lacroix fashions, I was hoping the perfume would be a little more edgy, and unusual. The name and absynthe content hinted at a stronger deeper fragrance than the perfume delivers, but that said, the scent that remains is nice and very wearable. I also enjoyed putting on the perfume because the bottle was very heavy, making it feel like I was wearing a perfume more expensive that its £20. Oh, and a quick glance at the website shows that if you buy it from Avon at the minute you receive a free bonus gift bag containing a selection of beauty products. I can't vouch for these though, as my bottle didn't come with the free gift!
Overall not a bad perfume at all. I'm even considering giving my sister a bottle for Christmas (yes, I mentioned the dreaded C word. So much more on that to come!)
Love, Tor xx

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Jimmy Choo for H&M: What do you think?

Hi guys,
Just over 3 weeks to go until the collection launches (14th November. Put it in your diary. Now) and the first pictures of the Jimmy Choo for H&M collection have been released.
I have been excited to see these, because up until now Jimmy Choo have never released a clothing line, and I was interested to see how their famous shoes would translate. Especially given that on the Grazia website Jimmy Choo MD and all round gorgeous fashionista Tamara Mellon chose four of the dresses as her top picks from the collection. Dresses over shoes? This I had to see:





Turns out Tamara was right: I do prefer the dresses to the shoes, although the bracelets and belts are also on the must-have list. There is one belt which is designed to wrap around the waist 3 times: yum!! The clutch bags leave me feeling pretty underwhelmed. The buttery soft looking fringed leather dress is definitely on my must have list though. And not pictured here, but definitely just waiting for me to pick up are the zebra print ballet pumps. And at just £49.99 they're a snip: watch this space and they'll be on my feet!!
Overall I'm expecting this to be a fairly sound collection and (quality depending!) I will definitely pick up a piece or two. I am very much over the celebrity collaborations, but the H&M designer collabs keep going from strength to strength. What do you think? Will you be buying anything?
Love, Tor xx

Monday, 19 October 2009

Daily wear: Back to the day job

Despite my hand still being out of action, today was my first day back at the office, and it really was a beautiful day for it. Having spent the best part of the last fortnight at home, I had missed the season changing and was delighted to spend my walk home kicking fallen golden leaves and enjoying the chill in the air.
Going back to work after a break at this time of the year had a decidedly "back to school" feeling, so I opted for work-uniform black, but with a twist. I wore a military style black dress (primark) with a black and gold studded belt (matalan) and black leggings (topshop) I went for a black studded body bag (miss selfridge) simply for one handed ease, and broke up the black with my vintage lace up boots (which I picked up at a boot sale for £2, and which my sister refers to as victorian pedophile boots) and my favourite leopard fur coat (river island) which the boyfriend brought for me last Christmas.


I didn't have anyone to take the pictures for me, so I experimented with my self timer for the first time and didn't quite get the angles right; I hope that explains the dodgy self-portrait shots, but I do look forward to getting better at it! Here are some of the outfit details set in the great outdoors- I was so excited not to be stuck in the house that I couldn't resist:
I collect brooches and adore cameos: I have loads of them! This particular lady was an MA graduation gift from my boyfriend
Bag from Miss Selfridges. £10 in the sale. Bargain!
This ring is so oversized it fills my whole hand!! Also Miss Selfridges. £9.

Looking at these pictures has also made me realise how long my hair is getting; it really needs colouring, and hasn't been cut for ages. However I don't dislike it the length it is. What do you think? To leave it to grow, or to cut it back into its usual bob? Decisions decisions!!

Love, Tor xx

PS - It's good to be back, and usual daily blogging should now resume (albeit typed slowly!!)

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

I'm an Angel once more!

Hi guys,

Saturday was the second in a trilogy of Aussie Angel events (I wrote about the first one last month) and it was a really good one! Myself and two guests (I took my two younger sisters Amie and Lucy) were invited, along with a group of other Angels and their guests to have our hair washed and blowdried at Adee Phelan's very fancy salon in Covent Garden, all with yummy sugar-smelling Aussie hair products, of course! Adee was the best hairdresser from The Salon; did anyone else love watching that show (it was on channel 4!)? Anyway, back to the event. We truly were pampered, and had our hair washed and massaged (that was the best bit) then blow styled however we wanted it to. I looked bloated and rather pasty (the result of not being able to exercise or leave the house) but my sisters looked gorgeous:

Lucy had a high volume Rachel-from-friends 'do and Amie looked sleek and glam with her rock-chick headband.
Sneaking a glass of champagne on top of my tablets wasn't smart or clever. I just couldn't say no.
After the blowdrys and champagne and nibbles, the rest of the angels went on for cocktails and gossip and fun. But I had exhausted myself so much with getting to the salon, avoiding being bumped into on route and generally leaving the house that my sisters took me straight home. Still, definitely not a bad way to spend my first afternoon out of the house since my operation. And its always nice to meet the other Angels and their guests; Kristabel brought her lovely mum; don't they look alike?!

Everyone's hair looked great, and more importantly (for me at least!) smelled truly fantastic and it was a great evening - thanks Aussie!

Love, Tor xx


PS -Here is a gratuitous pic of the hairdresser that did Amie's hair. He certainly wasn't hard on the eye, and I believe my sister was seriously contemplating asking him to marry her! An added bonus of the evening!

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

If only: Fashion Thursday at Dorothy Perkins

Morning guys,

If only I were feeling better you wouldn't be able to stop me from getting down to Fashion thursday at Dorothy Perkins, in association with Look magazine.

If you spend more than £40 (which will be easy given the 20% discount!) then you receive a goodie bag containing make up, chocolate, and an exclusive Daniel Merriweather CD. There will also be hair and beauty advice and make overs courtesy of Benefit and Toni and Guy. And if that's not enough, there will also be a chance to win a years worth of shoes and free drinks flowing all night. And for once, this isn't just happening in London, but in 10 stores across the UK, so everyone has the chance to get involved:

Sadly I expect it will be far too crowded for me incase my arm gets bashed. But it's not often you get something for nothing, and the chance for a girly fun night out. So if I could be there then I would!

Love, Tor xx

Friday, 9 October 2009

And the winner is......

It's time to announce the winner of my trinket competition. The glitter has been sprinkled, the trinkets wrapped in chiffon. And of course, the all important poem about the beautiful hair has been written. And because I promised you a comedy hat, the winner is...

..comment leaver/follower #6. As determined by the random number generator on That's SARAH ROSE.

Congratulations, the gift will be making its way to you shortly. (i'm still stuck on the couch in bandages and my PJ's, so shortly really means whenever the boyfriend will take it to the post office for me!)

For the rest of you curious monkeys, as well as the glitter and VIP (that's very important poem) the package also includes a necklace from accessorize, a fabric brooch from topshop, aussie shampoo and conditioner, a gorgeous sequinned mirror, lots of different lipglosses, and various other sample sized things. No pictures though, or it wouldn't be a suprise!!

Sorry to everyone who didn't win, but I will be hosting a similar competition at the end of next month to distribute more trinkets: it will be a fabfrocks christmas present!! I hope you all have a great weekend.

Love, Tor xx

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Fab Frocks reviews: Gok Wan shapewear

When Simply Yours got in touch and told me that they were releasing their Gok Wan shapewear in hot pink I knew I had to give it a try, because although I am a big fan of shapewear (you have to be when you have my lumpy hips and pot belly!!) the black and beige stuff spilling out of my drawers is the very opposite of attractive (a complete passion killer in fact!) The idea of hot pink shapewear appealed because you wouldn't be embarrassed if a hint of pink bra strap was revealed; in fact, it might add a little something to your outfit!!

My first thought when I opened the package was "scary!!" With it's double layered fabric and hooks and eyes everywhere, I had no idea how I was going to get it on without doing myself an injury (just putting them on my lap to inspect laddered my tights!) but once on, the hooks and eyes become almost invisible, and what you are left with is a sleek silohuette that is suprisingly sexy!
The thing that most impressed me about the two pieces I tried (the sassy slip and the curve controller) was the attention to detail. Both had a silk gok wan print trim to the bra cups and removable pads, so that you could control how much cleavage was on display. The double layered detail actually added to the control and the sassy slip was built from panels to further cinch in the hips and waist. Oh, and both came with removable multiway straps, and clear straps too.The sassy slip was by far the sexiest of the two pieces and also the most restrictive: although I could still breathe, I was very aware that I was wearing it.
Rest assured that unfortunately I look nothing like this sexy lady in this one-piece, but it certainly is this sexy!!

One aspect of the detailing I didnt like was the little bell between the cups: it looks and sounds like a cat bell, and people can hear you coming from yards away; not an attractive look! The bell was only secured with one stitch though, so it was very easy to remove. Unless the tinkly cat thing is for you: each to their own, as my mum always says!

Overall I was impressed by the look and feel of the shapewear (on the body, if not off!)
Good work SimplyYours, and good work Gok Wan!

Love, Tor xx

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Sharing the love

Although I am trying to post everyday whilst I am recovering, I am accepting that my posting pattern is likely to drop to every other day, just for a week or two. So whilst I am away I thought it would be nice to share the love by linking to the top 5 blogs that I visit every day, so that you can read them instead of me. Because they are smart and witty and fashion-ful (yup, i've made that a word!) and they always make me laugh!

Le blog de Big Beauty

This woman is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen (plus size or otherwise) and reading her blog leaves you feeling in awe of her. The photography is beautiful and she is very witty, both about her size and her life (even in translation from her native french)

Move over Tavi, because as far as i'm concerned there is a new young American blogger. KD has great style, great taste in literature, and always has little ways to make you laugh. Oh, and she can write in full sentences and everything!

Garbage Dress

I sometimes think that if I could be anyone for a day it would be Zana; she's funny, she has amazing style, and she's so cool that it must hurt. She's also started selling her belts and harnesses in an etsy shop. I want the harness with the wings so bad!!

Daddy Likey

We all love Winona. We all wear trousers and leggings for fear of being called out about "showcha-ing our chocha". We all only know what that word means because of her. (or is that just me?) But anyway, in case you missed her, check her out!!

Make do style

Stylist Kate is also mum to the super adorable petit garcon, studying for her MA in fashion and film, and updating her blog every day. She's a super woman!! She's also witty, full of information you probably won't find anywhere else, and always knows where to find the best things. Always one of my daily reads!

Love, Tor xx

Thursday, 1 October 2009

This week I will be mostly wearing...


So, tomorrow morning I am going to l'hopital to have a small operation on my hand. (Nothing to worry about!) This will leave me house bound for a little wee while whilst I recover and also unable to type properly for a couple of weeks. Stuck at home without being able to blog?? It's unspeakable I tells ya!! What will I do?!
Photo of me and my sisters in PJs taken last Christmas day (it is a family tradition not to get dressed!) This housesuit is washed and primed ready for wear next week!! .

The plus side of all this is new pajamas to take to the hospital, and lots of slobbing about at home wearing pajamas too. My hundreds of pairs of PJs (i'm an addict!) are all laundered and folded and prepared: standing primed and ready for action: their time has come! I love wearing my pajamas, and most days I immediately put mine on as soon as I get home: our house is definitely a pajama house! Even the boyfriend has gotten involved!
I have been writing like crazy this week, and have scheduled some posts for the next couple of weeks. The lovely bf and sister have also said that they will type whilst I dictate to them, so I will be able to post if any important or topical fashion ramblings pop into my head! And I will be back in real-time really soon!

I've noticed recently that although the prices of their PJs have gone up (they're now around £6, which I know isn't expensive, not they used to be £4!) Primarks PJs quality has gone down and the sizes have gotten smaller.
Last weekend Becky and I went to primark and picked 2 new pairs for my actual time in hopsital: sensible button up owl patterns to protect my modesty (plus, actually, the owl pattern is super cool!) and more lightweight grey jersey cow ones for if the heat in the damn place is pumped up to old lady temperatures: I rarely visit hospitals but when I do I find them hot and opressive!
Anyway, I will be back soon and until then I will be sitting at home wearing owl/sheep/ leopard/cow/insert almost any animal here pajamas getting better: surfing the web for a pair of pajamas with deers on. This will be my new obsession. Well, that and watching diagnosis murder. Every cloud has a silver lining!
Love, Tor xx