My Ping in

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Daily wear: that horrible inbetweeny weather

Yesterday evening my sister, the boyfriend, and I had dinner together, followed by a walk down Oxford street to view the festive window displays (Selfridges-wow!) and check out the Christmas lights, which were turned on on Tuesday.


Despite the cold, I wasn't wearing a coat. Why, I hear you ask? Well, quite simply, because the weather is so confusing it's hard to know what to do for the best! When I leave the house at 8am it isn't that cold. When I pop out for my sandwich at lunchtime it's warmer still. But leaving the office at 5.30 and the resturant at around 7 it was freezing. Here's how I braved the cold:


I am wearing a long sleeve black lycra top with a sparkly topshop cardigan over it (layers are key!) with topshop leggings and day of the dead skirt. Then for warmth I threw on my crop sleeve leather jacket. To make this snugger for the evening I added my black H&M snood (which is draped rather than wrapped) and my primark leather gloves. They're real leather and only cost £7; I was tempted to buy them in every colour. I didn't wear any jewellery (laziness!) but had my studded duffle bag from Miss Selfridges and my studded winkle picker boots from Office for a little bit of bling!!


Speaking of my boots, they're new; I got them on Monday! They were reduced to £45 and the cream coloured version were only £25. Office has a shoe sale on, and unlike lots of other retailers they've reduced some of their boots as well as the outdated summer stock; definitely worth checking out! Oh and on the subject, some of the sale stock isnt on the sale rack, but stored with the normal stuff. Just to confuse us! I picked these out and was suprised to find they were in the sale when I turned them over to check out the price!

Love, Tor xx

PS- I read in the paper this morning that H&M will be handing out wristbands to "prevent rioting" at the Jimmy Choo launch next week, and that they are expecting people to start arriving at midnight the evening before. There isn't anything from the collection I want bad enough to spend a night in the cold for, but if you're desperate to get your hands on some Choos then start planning now!

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