My Ping in

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Party dress week. Day 2: Dorothy Perkins

On the recommendation of Make Do Kate, today's picks of the party dresses will be from Dorothy Perkins. Like Kate, i'm a big fan of Dottie P's and although it doesn't have a reputation for being as fashion forward as its trend-led sister Topshop, I think the tables are turning. Dorothy Perkins nods at the trends without sacrificing the important things, like how the garment will fit on the body of a real woman.
For those of you that liked Monday's little history lesson (I really am a geek when it comes to anything from the 60s!) here are some Dottie P facts. Dorothy Perkins was founded in 1909 and named after a rose. In the 1960s, Dorothy Perkins was controlled by the Farmer family and was best known for its underwear, tights and PJ's (like the M&S of the 90s, some might say!) The stores never really got to grips with sixties boutique culture. Author Margret Geraghty who worked there for a while in the late sixties remembers that all the sales staff had to wear nylon uniforms: 'They were cerise with a zip up the front. Forget dolly birds. They looked more like canteen assistants.' The exception was the store manageress, who was allowed to wear her own clothes.
Leap forward half a century and Dorothy Perkins is a different proposition altogether. Here is my pick of their Christmas party dresses:
No trying on today, as I simply haven't had the time because of lovely mummy coming to stay. But I will be back to trying on tomorrow (I already have some pictured lined up and ready for editing)! As you can see, I have chosen dresses with sleeves today, for ladies (like me!) that aren't especially keen on showing off their upper arms; you can cover up and still be ready to party! Dorothy Perkins seem to be sticking to the Arcadia group's festive mix of sequins and jewelled embellishments, and electric blue is a key colour on their pallette, complimenting the obvious choice of black.
Definitely a stongly contending collection from Dorothy Perkins. Tomorrow I think I will step away from the Arcadia group (although Topshop will get a mention as well!!) Where would you like to see me go now?
Love, Tor x

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