My Ping in

Monday, 7 December 2009

Watch this space

I have a slight obsession with watches. I don't wear them myself, but I love buying them for other people. I love the leather strap and the reassuringly heavy metal face. I love how they look and feel and sound, and I think they make great gifts. I've bought my dad a beautiful Katherine Hamnett watch for Christmas with an oyster coloured face.

I also think watches are a great way to introduce colour into your look, especially if you're a chap like my beloved, who lives and dies in black t shirts and stripey jumpers, or a girl who has to wear a dreaded black suit everyday!

In my limited experience of watch wearers, there are 2 different types: those who view their watch as a hefty investment and wear it everyday, and those of see their watch as another accessory and change it as often as they change their mood. Here are my "ones to watch" for each category (I wonder if I can cram any more watch jokes in here!):

The sleek investment watch

The fun mix-it-up watch

There is a thirteen year old girl inside me that thinks the cupcake watch is super-awesome! I also think the Marc Jacobs skull pendant watch is a nice time keeping alternative for anyone, like me, that finds wearing a watch an annoyance.

For ease of montage creation, and because they stock a suprisingly good selection, all watches shown are available from

Now i'm thinking about everyone I can potentially gift watches to this Christmas!

Love, Tor xx

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