My Ping in

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Competition: Let Reebok help you "tone those buns"

My keep-fit regime is still going well, and although i've only lost a few pounds, i'm slowly starting to notice the difference. To intensify the process, at the end of the month I will be starting a trial of the new Reebok Easytone trainers. According to Reebok, Easytone trainers generate up to 28% more bum muscle activation compared to ordinary trainers whilst generating more than 11% more muscle activation in the calf muscles and hamstring. And apparently they help tone your bum and legs even when your not in the gym - sound too good to be true?? I thought so too, so there's only one way to find out!
Once mine arrive I plan on using them three times a week and seeing what difference they make! I am definitely not a trainer wearing in my everyday life, but I think it might even be worth wearing them on my walk to work so my muscles can work harder doing my normal everyday tasks.

So the prize is the opportunity to take part in the trial and receive a pair of Reebok Easytone trainers and a bag full of Reebok training kit! You'll be given a code to log onto the Easytone trial community where you will be able to choose the style/colour and size of your trainers and kit. So your look is entirely up to you.

All you have to do is leave a comment and i'll use my numbers in a comedy hat technique to choose a winner on Friday: I know it's not much time, so you'll have to get in quick!
Get entering, and good luck!!
Love, Tor xx
PS - Sadly this competition is only open to UK readers. I'll have something for my worldwide friends coming up soon though!

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