My Ping in

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

I can't believe they invented it: Skeggings

When Johnathan Aston got in touch to ask if i'd like to try their new "Skegging" I responded (and this is a direct quote) that it sounded a bit ridiculous, but that I was prepared to give it a try.


Skegging is (of course!) an amalgamation of skirt and legging. (of course!) It was the next logical step (I use the word logical loosely) from the legging and jegging family. I grew up in a town called Skegness (Skeg for short) which added to the sense of the ridiculous I had about the whole thing.

However i'm writing this to say don't judge a book by its over. Or a product by its ridiculous name. Because I think I will be wearing my skeggings all summer long!

They are more like very thick footless tights than leggings (although I suppose the name sk-footless tight doesn't work) and they have a fitted body con type skirt attached in the same stretchy fabric.
Here I am showing off the skeggings. I didn't realise how dirty my mirror was until I took this shot!

The reason I love the skegging is thus: all of last summer long , I wore leggings with vests over the top (to cover my rump) and then pretty t shirts on top of the vest. Thats a lot of layers on a hot day! And the skegging negates a whole layer whilst still keeping you covered up. Why not just wear a skirt I hear you ask! Well, the fact that the legging/skirt aspects are attached to each other prevents the embarrassing riding up when you walk/falling down when you bend elements involved in wearing a body con skirt over slippy tights.

I've only tried them once, but found them to be a massive success. However, if weall start calling them skeggings, i'll never wear them again! So I am insisting on a mass boycott of the word skegging in favour of, erm, footless tights attached to a tight skirt, until a better name comes to mind.

What do you think of the idea? And what would you call them?

Love, Tor xx

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