My Ping in

Friday, 2 July 2010

Oh no Britney, No!!

Oh Britney what have you done?! Well the answer is, she's designed a low-budget fashion collection. I love Britney; I will happily bop along to here tunes after too many cocktails on a Saturday night. But she's not exactly known for her fashion sense, is she. In fact, i've seen that woman sporting more circles of shame than Tiger Woods after a heavy weekend.

The collection is aimed at teens and is being released on 1st July to coincide with the "back to school" buying session: yup, this stuff is coming to a high school near you! When I was at school I had to wear a bottle green knee length pencil skirt - if it came above your knee you had to go home and change it (or in my case, roll it back down!) Now apparently studded leatherette mini skirts are back-to-school essentials: who knew?!

Britney released a statement about her new clothing saying “Designing was a really fun, new way for me to express my creativity and I really wanted to create something by me for my fans.” Apparently her inspirations were her favourite books and films: apparently Britney only reads books in which people wear cheap denim: interesting.

Luckily the clothing line will only be sold at Kohl’s Department stores in the States, whom they have an exclusive contract with, meaning we won't see too many mini-Britneys running around town. I know its a budget collection, but I just can't get over the cheapness of it: the tacky silver bag, the denim waistcoat/pink vest combo - it all screams of too little money, teamed with far too little taste.

Why would a celebrity with no fashion sense design a fashion line? Who would invite them to do it?? The lure of a quick buck obviously addles people's minds. I'm sick of seeing collaborations with two-bit celebrities: when can we go back to judging clothes based on who made them, not on which B-lister (I'm not talking about Britney here of course - she's an A lister gone bad!) drew the original doodles?

Love, Tor xx

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