My Ping in

Saturday, 3 July 2010

The power of false lashes....

You will never know what a difference false lashes make to your eyes until you see yourself with one eye done and one eye undone: the contrast is so dramatic! Half way through putting my slap on I couldn't believe what a difference the new lashes made, and I just had to share.

These are the get gorgeous feather lashes from get lashed, and they cost £11, which I don't think is too bad. Get lashed have lash bars in House of Fraser stores all over the country and the professionals will put your lashes on for you, included in the price of the lashes. I bought mine and had them put on a couple of months ago, and loved them, but haven't worn them since, as they're really heavy. If you keep them in the get lashed box, which they come with, then you can take them back instore and have them applied by the experts as many times as you like, making the cost even more reasonable. But I didn't have time to go to HOF so I bungled my way through it at home: and i'm glad I did, as seeing them as a work in progress really made me appreciate how good they look!

Sorry that this is just a short, a slightly vapid post: I'm having a really busy weekend, but really wanted to share my exciting lash find!

Love, Tor xx

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