My Ping in

Friday, 17 September 2010

LFW SS11 Day One: Jacob Kimmie Presentation

The thing that grabbed me about this collection, more so than the clothes, was the intricate jewellery and accessories, which had been laser cut from paper. It was so beautiful, bold, yet delicate, all at the same time!

The collection was called "Eternal Delight" which is taken from the William Blake plate "Energy is eternal delight. He who desires but acts not breeds pestilence." The dresses were loose fitting and flowing, cut from silk. The most interesting piece though was the last one shown: a wool crepe tailored jacket covered in a cage-style shrug using the same laser-cut paper technique as the rest of the accessories. I'm not a big fan of trapeze shaped dresses but they looked beautiful, both futuristic yet ethereal, on the models.

There is an interesting quote from David on his inspiration for the collection: "This collection is for daughters, not for mums. I was horrified to hear so many young British designers embracing the idea that mums and daughters could wear their clothes, the same clothes. This is England!"

It reminded me of the couture houses of the 1950s, still dressing mothers and daughters, battling the boutiques of the 1960s who were only interested in the young, the new, the modern. Back then England is where this revolution began. Are we witnessing the beginning of a revolution, yet again, against the one style suits all trend?

Love, Tor xx


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