My Ping in

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Wardrobe sort out, ready for the new season

Hi guys,
So it's that time of the year again: time to sort out your wardrobe ready for Autumn/Winter. I spent all day yesterday sorting through my wardrobe: restitching buttons on to last years coats and de-bobbling them all. I know you're supposed to do this before you put them away for the summer, but I think you have to be really dedicated to remember to do that, and sadly i'm not!
I folded all my summer dresses and vests into my biggest suitcase, added a couple of moth balls, and put it under the bed. Then I went through my winter accessories box: making sure all my gloves were paired (and throwing away the pile of odd ones I seem to accumulate!) making sure I had scarves to match each of my coats and the same with hats. I pulled my winter boots to the front of the wardrobe and sorted out the ones that need reheeling (which I will get done in the next week) and packed my summer sandals and flip flops away.
I have always liked hats - I wish we still lived in a time when it was the done thing to wear hats everyday! That's definitely not something I need to buy any more of - although I know if I see another lovely one I won't be able to resist!

I know it seems like a boring chore, but I actually love sorting out my wardrobe: it works as a great reminder of all the lovely things you have, and I just dug up a dress I loved but forgot I owned: I haven't worn it for 3 years!!

This is the perfect way to identify any holes in your wardrobe and fill them whilst there's plenty of choice from the new season stock on the high street: I would like a couple more long sleeved dresses (i'm trying to move away from wearing long sleeved tops under sleeveless dresses like I did last year) I'd also like a pair of tan leather gloves, a pair of brown boots (last years have a hole in the sole, but were so inexpensive it makes more sense to buy a new pair than to pay for resoling) and I have a hankering for a leather dress: because my coats from last year don't need replacing, I think I could justify the investment!

Have you sorted out your wardrobe for winter yet? I'd love to know what you'll be buying this season, and what your going to try not to replace.

Love, Tor xx

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