My Ping in

Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Fabfrocks guide to: Bagging a bargain in TK Maxx

Hi guys,
I'm a big fan of TK Maxx, they are one of the stores on the high street that I pop into quite regularly and like my other obsessions (I'm thinking of car boot sales, Bicester village, and charity shops) the thrill is in never knowing what you might find. This weekend I popped into my mum's local store, whilst I was over visiting, and was truly delighted by the bargain I found lurking under one of the Christmas gift tables, where I was busy rummaging looking for a new make up bag:
The rrp on this gorgeous Missoni scarf was £197.47. I picked it up for £39.99. Hidden away, and it was the only one in the shop: I'm going to call that fate!

So how do you find that elusive designer bargain that you've been waiting for all your life (exaggerate? me?) Well here are my top tips for bagging a bargain in TK Maxx:

-If you've found something you love but can't find it in your size, look through all the rails. Much like Primark, TKmaxx can sometimes look like a jumble sale, because people pick things up then put them back in the wrong places when they change their mind. If you really love something persevere and you might just find the size 12 dress you were looking for hanging out with the size 6 dresses instead.

- Don't forget to look in the gifts section: especially at this time of year! That's where I found this scarf. There was also a great range of leather goods (including several Osprey purses I lusted after) that would have made a great myself! Just because it's in the gift section doesn't mean you have to buy it as a gift!

- If it's big named designers you want, look for the rails marked 'Gold Label': that's where you will find all the bigger branded goodies.

- Remember that TKMaxx isn't just for fashion. I'm a sucker for their homeware department, where the discounts are (if possible) even more insane than on the clothing.

- Don't have the energy or the inclination for rummaging through the rails? The TKMaxx website has improved dramatically over the past couple of years and there are plenty of bargains to be had: I got the unborn 2 Stella McCartney tops from the website this week! For me though, the instore rummage is half of the fun!

The best thing about shopping in TKMaxx is the buzz you get for the rest of the day, after finding that bargain! Do you shop in TKMaxx? Do you have any clever tips to add that you think make your TKMaxx shopping trips more successful?

Love Tor xx

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