My Ping in

Friday, 7 December 2012

Christmas gift ideas from TK Maxx

Hi guys,
I've just made my annual Christmas trip to TK Maxx, and I just had to share what bargainous bargains I picked up whilst I was there! I always make a trip to TK Maxx at Christmas, because they have a great gift range. It's also the perfect place to pick up little designer bits (perfect for Christmas stockings) at massively reduced prices. If you think I might be buying you a gift this Christmas, it's probably best you turn away now! For everyone else, here's what I picked up:

Edible gifts 
Is there anything nicer than being gifted something yummy? Maybe that's just a sign that I'm greedy, but I do love an edible gift: and they're perfect for secret santas, aunts and uncles, and even the next door neighbour! This selection that I picked up ranged in price from £3.99 for the Christmas tree tin full of chocolates to £12.99 for the ceramic biscuit jar filled with ginger bread men! The best thing about these ones from TK Maxx is that the tins are so lovely, they can be saved and used again!

Stocking filler socks
Call me predictable (I am!) but every man in my life gets socks in their stocking at Christmas. I think they're a great, useful stocking stuffer! TK Maxx have some really great boxes of socks instore at the moment, from brands such as Calvin Klein, Original Penguin, French Connection, Ted Baker etc and all the ones I saw were £9.99 per box: considerably less than RRP!!

The ubiquitous Christmas jumpers
Another predictable one I'm afraid, but jumpers do make great gifts! As always, TK Maxx have a great selection of great labels instore, but at high street (and sometimes less than high street) prices. I managed to pick up 2 lovely knitted jumpers, one from Original Penguin and one from Superdry. Both were £24.99 each.

Make up, perfume, and smellies
I didn't actually buy any (I just didn't need them) but I was massively impressed by the range of make up, smellies, and perfume in store. There were Nails Inc gift sets for £12.99, and Calvin Klein make up sets for £9.99. There were also lovely boxed and hampered bath sets, perfumes, and an unlimited range of make up bags and wash bags: it was like girly gift heaven!!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? And have you had any bargains from TK Maxx lately? I'm delighted that I managed to combine both: and proud of myself for spending over an hour in my local store looking at pretty things without actually buying a single thing for myself! Here's hoping that means extra brownie points from Santa....

Love Tor x

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

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