My Ping in

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Accessories: Hit the Coordination Station!!

Hi guys,
I have one fashion quirk that I'm pretty sure all the 'cool kids' like to secretly laugh at, but I just don't care. I like my shoes and handbags to match. All the time! That's why I have so many pairs of tan shoes: because my favourite handbag is tan. And you can guarantee that if I find a pair of heels I love them I will be out on the high street hunting down a clutch bag to match it. When it comes to accessories, I am definitely a matchy-matchy girl.

So how excited was I when, whilst shopping on Sarenza for both a new handbag and a new pair of summer pumps, I shortlisted both of these items only to later realise that they matched almost perfectly: it must be fate!
 photo coordination2_zpsd2a184ce.jpg photo coordination1_zps7147c69c.jpgThe shoes are from Georgia Rose (£31) and the handbag is from Poisson Bleu (£97.90). I also have a great pair of beige suede sandals that are going to look great with this bag when the weather warms up a little bit! I thought the bag was a brave choice, because I usually opt for tan or black when it comes to leather accessories: but the warm chartreuse stripe on this one is going to be perfect for injecting a little bit of colour into my summer wardrobe. I love it!

Do you like to match your shoes to your handbag? Or do you prefer the unmatched look?

Love Tor x

*I am a Sarenza Brand Ambassador

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