My Ping in

Monday, 1 April 2013

Accessories: Helen Rochfort Handbags

Hi guys,
This bag from Helen Rochfort is very aptly called the 'Oz TV' bag. The central image is a vintage print of the ruby slippers from the original Wizard of Oz film: one of my faves! I love this grainy vintage print, which makes me want to wear red shoes and point my toes.

The bag isn't the usual thing I'd carry at all; I'm a soft tan leather satchel kind of gal. This bag by contrast is a hard case with a solid metal frame, shiny silver body, glitter detail and diamante fastener. That description doesn't make it sound very covetable, does it? But it is! I defy anyone to see this bag and not smile:
 photo helenrochfort1_zpsc5c15f71.jpg photo helenrochfort2_zps73b19da0.jpg photo helenrochfort3_zpscfdb698a.jpgIt's accessories like this that remind you that fashion is supposed to be fun, and we shouldn't take it all too seriously!

It isn't a big bag, so I couldn't carry it every day: you wouldn't fit more than your phone, purse and some make up in it. But I have a couple of weddings coming up this summer that I will be taking this to (and teaming it with red shoes, obviously!) and if I were ever to leave the house in the evening again - a girl can dream - then this would be the perfect bag for that too.

This particular bag comes in at £65, and if you love it too, you can bag your own here. Oz not your thing? There are also bags inspired by Willy Wonka, Unicorns, and even Fish and Chips!

What do you think of my new handbag? Is it the kind of thing you'd carry, or are you yet to be convinced?

Love Tor xx

* I received a handbag for the purpose of this review.

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