Yesterday in lovely Norwich it was 20 degrees and sunny. I spent the afternoon in the park, and even abandoned my beloved boots in favour of gold pumps. This got me thinking: it's probably time to remove that nail varnish that's been on my toes forever, give myself a pedicure, and get my feet ready for sandal season: it's nearly here!
My advice from now until Autumn is to start moisturising your feet everyday. It will keep them soft and supple, and prevent the need for any extensive hard skin removal: after all, prevention is better than a cure! I use Soap and Glory Heel Genius foot lotion: it smells and feels fantastic.
It's also the perfect time to stock up on some preventative solutions for those blisters and sores that come with the first month in sandals. Unlike with boots, the leather straps on sandals can rub and dig in, making the first time you wear them particularly painful. I protect my feet by rubbing Carnation anti blister stick underneath the straps on new sandals - it really helps!
Are your feet ready for sandal season? If not it's time to get to work- it doesn't matter how nice you're new sandals are if you're putting them on ugly feet!
Love Tor x
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