My Ping in

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Bargain hunting

Unless you've been locked in a cave for the past week, you probably don't need me to tell you that we are in the middle of a Debenhams 3 day spectacular; they are advertising up to 25% off everything, but in reality the majority of wares have 20% off- still a good deal whichever way you look at it!

However what you might not be aware is that this 20% discount also applies to concessions within Debenhams stores. This in effect means that for the next 2 days you can get discounts at Miss Selfridge, Dune, Faith, Warehouse, and loads of other stores, depending on which Debenhams you use (their website will tell you which concessions are in your closest store!) I know it's not as cheap as the January sales (you wouldn;t believe how many people have said that to me over the past 2 days!) but hey, it's not January yet, and I for one still have plenty of Christmas parties to look fabulous for in December.

Here are the 2 outfits i'll be looking to make savings on:

Dress; Miss Selfridge £45, Boot; Faith £72, Fan clutch; Warehouse £30 and Money Gold necklace £56.

This whole outfit then would cost £203 to buy on a full price highstreet type day. However on a magical day like today, the whole outfit costs only £162.40. I know thats not the cheapest outfit we've ever brought you (anyone else remember last years "christmas dress for under £30 fiasco?") but £40 off is definitely not to be sniffed at!

The next outfit is:

Dress; Miss Selfride £50, Shoes; Faith £68, Lace tights; Warehouse £8 and Earrings; Miss Selridge £10. (Total cost:£136 Saving price cost:£108.80 )
How amazing are these ginormous oversized stud earrings!?
Hmmm, i've just realised how similar these outfits look; that might be because I LOVE LBD's and because i'm feeling all gothic sophistication for this seasons Christmas endeavours!
Anyway, the point i'm making is that if you do need a new dress for Christmas, and you we're planning on buying it full price from the highstreet anyway, now is the best time to get yourself to debenhams and save some money; afterall £40 is 8 cocktails, and thats a good night out!
Lots of love,
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