My Ping in

Friday, 14 November 2008

Christmas window shopping!

(Nearly there - here comes post 3 of todays 3 post romp!)

Now, i'm about to make a confession. My favourite thing about London isn't the nightlife or the theatre, or anything culturally stimulating. Nor is it couture or shoes or places you can buy coats (and we all know how much I love coats!) No, my favourite thing about London is the Selfridges everychanging window display. When I was a timid teenage girl (who wouldn't have dreamt of going into somewhere like Selfridges - I was 22 when I made my first trip!) and we used to come to London for school trips I used to make a bee line for Selfridges and walk all the way along, gobbling in every window. Even now I dont like to take the bus along Oxford street, I always get off and walk so that I can see everything at my own pace. So imagine my delight when making this walk yesterday I noticed that Selfridges had put their Chrismas windows in place!

This of course means it's officially nearly Christmas! Get ready for carol references, obsessing over the perfect dresses, and of course the annual surreptitious Christmas wish list for my boyfriend!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Love Tor x

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