My Ping in

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Dear Santa....

....I saw the red version of this watch on dressed and pressed's blog this morning and realised I had to have it. I usually avoid wearing my watch because I like to wear bracelets and it interfers. But this watch is a beautiful bracelet as well! And its by Betsey Johnson and we all know how I feel about her....

And look at the cutesy presentation case?!
The only question now is whether I get it in black, blue, or red. That, dearest santa, is up to you!

I've been a very good girl and eaten all of my greens, and this week i found out i'd passed my beloved MA with flying colours, so I think I deserve to be on the nice list and not the naughty one like last year.
And of course there'll be mince pies, and I won't forget the carrot for rudolph!

Lots of love and kisses,


PS - Santa, in case your elves don't make watches in the workshop, you can buy them here. And if you're feeling especially generous, I also like the fringed T bar sandals!

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