But since when did a little thing like skill get in the way of ambition: with a little determination and lots of failed attempts no doubt, i'm sure i'll be making dresses in no time. And to help me on my way i've discovered a wonderful website; http://www.burdastyle.com/ The site has free patterns, how to guides, forums, and is fantastic for novices like me as each task is given a difficulty rating from 1-5, and as long as you follow the simple steps, some of the grade 1's have proven quite achievable.
Here's what i've made so far:
The fabric flower is more of an embellishment than a bonafide project, but it only took about 10 minutes to do and I think it looks really great. I think 6-7 of these on the shoulder of a plain white tshirt would be perfect for the summer.

Excuse the not exactly fashion forward fabric of my upcoming DIY attempts by the way: whilst i'm still practicing, i'm using old pillow cases and any other scraps of free fabric I can lay my hands on. As soon as I feel a little more confident it will be silk and lace and lux galore!
Next on my hit list is a dress and a cape: awarded 1 and 2 stars respectively, they should prove an achievable challenge...I hope. I realise I won't be making them in the 1-3 hours suggested, but I've downloaded the patterns which i'm busy sizing patiently, and my sister and I are hitting John Lewis tonight to choose the fabric. Hopefully by the end of the month I will have something to show you for my efforts that looks a little like this:

Wish me luck!
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