My Ping in

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Boots boots boots boots boots!!

Never has my sales advice been more ardent; if you love/like/know someone who likes cosmetics, get to Boots immediately. If you love the illustrations of Daisy de Villeneuve, run. Boots christmas gift range (which of course isnt at all Christmasy) just dropped from being 50% off all stock to 75% off all stock. The woman in front of me had so much stuff she couldnt carry it all. It was fantastically funny watching her waddle out laden with 7 giant sacks of goodies. There really are some bargains to be had:
Daisy de Villeneuve make up brush and rool set. Was £15. I paid £3.67.

Daisy de Villeneuve filled vanity case with mirror. Was £20.00. I paid £3.50.

Daisy de Villeneuve compact mirror. Was £5.00. I paid £1.22

Daisy de Villeneuve (are you sensing a pattern?) blusher brush. Was £8. I paid £1.95

John Frieda hair sets (blonde and brunette available) Was £10. I paid £2.44

Ruby and Millie bright eyes compact. Was £15.00. I paid £3.67

Tony and Guy make up bag filled with shampoo conditioner heat protection spray and straightening balm. Was £12. I paid £2.93
This whole post feels a little salesy, but its soo exciting! I brought as much as i could carry back into the office respectably after a slightly longer than regulation lunch hour, but tomorrow I'll be back for more. When do I get the chance to own so much stuff that I want but don't need, and therefore usually relagate to the realms of "stuff I cant afford?"The answer is never! But boy, am I going to make up for it now....
Love Tor

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