My Ping in

Monday, 26 January 2009

Feathers from the Future!!

Today's post is just a brief snippet: a post-ette, if you will, as I am very very busy at work.
I stumbled across this picture of Manjit Deu, the winner of the collection of the year prize at the London College of Fashion this morning. Well, more importantly, I stumbled across this picture of his collection. And I was immediately transfixed by, what I like to refer to as, the robot feathers. Here is a close up of that dress:
Isn't is stunning?! The uber talent Manjit is only 24 years old (thats the same age as me, dammit!) He hails from West London, and completed his BA (hons) at Winchester. There were sequins everywhere; long ones that looked like ice trailing across the outfits, which was partically effective on the little sky blue number. And we all know how I feel about dramatic shoulders...and in pink!? Love it!

Now I don't know enough about fashion to say this with any amount of certainty, but I'm pretty sure Manjit Deu is a name we should all be looking out for in the future...Ahh, to be so talented!!

Lots of love,

Tor x

Credit: All but the first photo were stolen with love (but no permission) from here.

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