Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Primark pick of the week #3
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
The perfect black jacket
Monday, 27 April 2009
If in doubt, complain!
If i'm in a restaurant and my food isn't as hot as i'd like, i'll eat it anyway. Poor service? Doesn't affect my tip. But this week I made my first proper complaint about Warehouse (the clothes store, not a storage facility!) and i've never felt so good about myself! In fact, i'd recommend it to anybody:
Two Fridays ago I popped out in my lunch hour and bought this skirt. Although some might say it looks like a nappy, I think it looks great. I'm happy with my bargain and all is well with the world until....The next morning I pop on the skirt only for it to immediately rip right down the back, not even on the seam! Despite having other plans, I immediately take off the skirt and drive down to Brent Cross, my nearest shopping centre, to return it. The only Warehouse in that particular centre (and within a 15 mile radius of my home) is in the Fenwicks department store. So having found the exact same skirt in the exact same size I went to the counter to exchange it. I didnt even have any intention of complaining about the fault (caused by the poor and flimsy quality of the fabric, if your interested!) I just wanted the same skirt I had originally paid for. Only it wasnt that easy. First I was told that I couldnt exchange my skirt within that store as it was a concession within a department store. (There was no sign stating this anywhere) Then the assistant had the audacity to imply that I had ripped the skirt on purpose to get a new one. Now i'm definitely no criminal mastermind, but what;s in it for me to rip a skirt one day only to go out of my way to get the exact same one the next day? Madness!!
I was dismissed and told smugly that if I had a complaint to contact head office. I left the store feeling let down, insulted and angry. And still in possession of a broken skirt. The next day I did two things: Went to the store where i had originally got the skirt (they were great and swapped it straight away) and wrote an email to the Warehouse head office. In my email I explained what had happened, that I had inconvenienced myself going back to their store when I didnt have to, how hurt I felt my the insult from the staff, and that I wanted them to do something about it.
The results were three fold:
1. It felt cathartic to write the letter and feel that I was getting my say.
2. They wrote back and apologised, convincing me I was right to be angry and to complain (see left)
3. They sent me a £15 voucher to encourage me to try their products again.
My advice if you think you have cause to complain is:
1. Dont argue in the store! It probably isnt the assistant's fault and even if it is they generally dont have the power to fix it!
2. Write an email or a letter, rather than call. The person on the phone will only make you angry and you wont be able to get your point across as clearly.
3. Say exactly what happened in as clear and concise a manner as possible.
4. Tell them exactly what you want. Whether its a formal apology or financial compensation, you probably wont get it if you dont ask!
5. Include your address and telephone number. You wont get a response without these, but its amazing how easy it is to forget!
And finally, don't feel shy or embarrassed about making a complaint. The saying "the customer is always right" is popular because its true! Particularly in today's difficult ecomony shops need your loyalty and your custom, and they know you won't keep going back if the quality and the service is shoddy. You have all the power, so why not use it!?
I'm still not convinced about the quality of Warehouse's goods by the way: one voucher doesn't stop the feeling that you're receiving Primark quality goods at triple to quadruple the price. But it will make me pop back in now and again and keep an open mind.
And with my final rant on the subject finally over, I really do feel better!
Lots of love,
Friday, 24 April 2009
The wardrobe clear out: watch out ebay, here I come!

Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Matthew Williamson @ H&M
Before the collection is released to the shops on Thursday ( is predicting shopping hysteria which I, frankly, am taking with a pinch of salt!) does anyone else find the majority of the Williamson collection we have had "sneak previews" of,a little bit blah (and dare i say it, a little bit dated!?!)

I'm pretty sure my mum has thrown out similar that even I (the ultimate hoarder) have rejected. As my nan would say; "I wouldn't give it house room" I also won't be rushing out for this utilitarian jump suit, the frightening circa 1995 butterfly top or the cheap looking cardi with ill thought out peacock feather shoulder.

Saturday, 18 April 2009
Erase and Rewind (and the launch of yourlondonstylist)
YourLondonStylist is me; starting up in the middle of the recession (because apparently i'ma lunatic!), taking people shopping, detoxing their wardrobes, and hopefully making them feel great! Over the next couple of weeks I will be rebranding the blog so that it matches the new website (because it just makes sense really!) but don't worry; the content will be exactly the same, no changes going on there! I hope the rebrand doesn't put you off and you keep coming back!
And because the pictures on the new website are so small, and I am possibly the vainest person in the entire world, here are my PR shots; I will actually go as far as to say (deep inhalation please!) that I think I look kind of pretty!
Tor x
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Bringing back black!

My quest for the perfect boyfriend blazer was not sucessful on this website (I know i'm obsessed, but their jacket selection sadly leads a lot to be desired!) but the next time my already fairly extensive collection of black dresses for work, play, and everything else I can think of to wear a black dress to, runs low, I know exactly where i'll be turning.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Rigby and Pellar warehouse clearance sale

VENUE: 20th Century Theatre, 291 Westbourne Grove, LONDON, W11 2QA
16th April 12pm – 9pm
17th April 10am – 8pm
There is an all stock must go policy, and as they're running into the evening as well, you don't even need to take the day off work: bonus!!
See you there!
Love Tor x
Monday, 13 April 2009
Liberty design competition
Thursday, 9 April 2009
New web love: Queens of

The layout is a bit confusing to start with (the homepage is so damn busy!!) but you soon get used to it. And although talking about the credit crunch is getting dull and seriously getting me down, it is happening and starting to affect our purses. Or at least, its definitely affecting my purse! So the make do and mend feature is perfect for its easy tips (even someon with monkey paws could do it!) on revamping what you already have. I know, I know, I'm raving again but it is a good site!
I love vintage brooches (although now the collection has passed the 50 mark i'm trying to be a little more selective) but selective or not, this one would definitely make it into the collection. Or maybe this one:
How do you choose!? Queens of vintage is definitely a site I will visit again, if only to see what their top picks are. Not to mention the gorgeous photos in their "Top 100 queens" section. Now back to the important issue of brooches. If I just start raiding the penny jar....
Much love,
Hitting the coral reef!

I LOVE the body con dress, although obviously it isn't a style that will ever suit me! The kookai dress is a perfect summer staple and I can see it going from work to beach without too much effort at all (oh the power of the accessory!) The tree hugger dress immediately caught my attention of course, because by love affair with jersey is still well and truly in full swing!! The coral colour also looks really great with denim in its many shades and persuasions: I especially like it with light wash for that great spring/summer feel!

Oh and the added bonus is that coral looks great with nude, which means it will breathe a new lease of life into all of the nude tops i've been collecting over the past couple of months: what's not to love about that double whammy!?
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
TAG: I'm it again!
Here are the guidelines:
1. Respond and rework. Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention; add a question of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people.
What is your current obsession?
This is an easy one because it's been my obsession for years; fashion! I know it sounds like a cliche but I love every aspect of fashion; from high end to high street. Its like a never ending world you can drown in and still never really understand everything. And I love that clothes can change how a person acts and feels: and make you really happy about yourself!
At the minute i'm obsessing about shoes. I've been looking for the perfect pair of heels that I can wear all day without blisters and agony; the hunt goes on!
Do you nap a lot?
We have the best (albeit ugliest) squishy leather sofa that I love lying on when I come home from work (and in fact am lying on right now) and often doze there. Mike is forever nudging me and hussling me up to bed!
Who was the last person you hugged?
The BF just before he left the house about 15 minutes ago to leave me to blog in peace!
What’s for dinner?
We just got back from a raucous weekend in Norwich (how great it was to see Miss B!) so I have no idea what we'll be eating! Given the limited supply of food in the cupboards teamed with my current lethargy I will either be making omlettes or salad! (NB - I had a tuna salad)
What was the last thing you bought?
The last shop I went to was Morrisons where I bought a clothes airer, peg bag, and solero. The last fashion thing I bought was a fringed top from topshop; it's awesome and has fringing on the sleeves as well as along the bottom hem; I shall put up some pictures shortly!
What are you listening to right now?
Right now i'm sitting on the sofa listening to/watching the first Ghostbusters film. I love the bad films they put on Channel 4 on Saturday afternoons! Aparently they've just started making a third Ghostbusters film and Bill Murray et al are actually going to be in it!
What is your favourite weather?
I'm in a good place weather-wise now actually! I love Spring because I like the sunshine and not having to wear too many layers but the temperature is perfect. I'm rubbish in the summer; I suffer from heat rash and get so hot and bothered I'd just like to lie in a cold room until Autumn comes round!
What's in your bathroom cabinet?
Wow, now this would be a list!! I have a dressing table and 3 bathrooms in our house and i've managed to fill them all with a never ending supply of lotions and potions! I really love Benefits Dear John face cream and Soap and Glory's wonderful yummy smelling body butter at the moment though.
Say something to the person/s who tagged you.
Kate: you are lovely, and clever, and someone to look up to for taking a chance with your career by following your dreams. I'm in the middle of planning a project to do exactly the same thing and you are definitely on my list of inspirations as to why. And although we only met once, you're just as wonderful in person as your writing implies you would be!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
I love travelling and have lived in lots of different countries but I think England will always be my home. If I was having a house paid for and furnished it would be a toss up between Norwich and London I think: London is definitely the place I want to be now both career wise and because its such a vibrant and exciting city. But I will always love Norwich and nothing can compare to the happy feelings I get in my tummy when we pass the sign that says "welcome to Norfolk"
Name the things you can’t live without.
Apart from fashion, which I couldn't imagine not being a part of my life, my family are everything to me. I was blessed with wonderful parents and have 2 sisters I talk to every day and whom I am happy to say are my best friends. I'm lucky to have Amie in London and close to me, and Lucy graduates this summer and is moving down too. I genuinely dont know how i'd live without them. Oh, bugger, and Mike of course my wonderful boyfriend/house keeper who endures my habit of keeping my clothes all over the house with a smile, and is the love of my life.
What is your favourite tea flavour?
I don't often drink hot drinks, but if I really fancy one its always a Mint Green Tea. Except I like to leave it until its nearly cold before I drink it: yum!
What would you like to get rid of?
Nothing. I think everything happens for a reason; even the really bad things serve to remind us how versitile and resillient we are!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Only an hour? Going somewhere amazing for an hour then being snatched back again would be torture! I'd have to say Cuba; I've always wanted to go there and eat the free ice cream (If the queues work with me you can do that in an hour!)
What did you want to become as a child?
When I had my entry interview to get into school I said brain surgeon but I think I'd always said that because it made my parents so happy. From as far back as I can remember all I ever wanted to be was a writer: my grandpa used to call me his little Kate Adie! All i've ever wanted is to write, and thats still true (and also what I do!)
What do you miss?
My parents because they live too far away, my carefree uni days, and right now i'm missing junk food!
What are you reading right now?
Irvin Welsh's the bedroom secrets of the master chefs. I only started it a couple of days ago and i'm not really enjoying it, but i've never started a book I haven't finished: you never know what you might miss! My house is covered in books (we have 3 book shelves) and I cant walk past a book shop (especially a second hand one!) without popping in and picking up something else.
What's your favourite brand of jeans?
I'm not really a jeans person, and I struggle to find them to fit, but last week I bought the new Harper fit jeans from Topshop; boyfriend fit at the top and skinny and tapered to the ankle, they are absolutely wonderful! They look great and fit like a dream!
What designer piece of clothing would you most like to own (new or vintage)?
Will you have plastic surgery/botox etc.?
This is a tough one. I'm not against surgery and if someone told me there was a painfree way i could shed 2 stone then i'd certainly give it a go. But the key word there was painfree; surgery certainly isn't and my pain threshhold is so low I just don't think I could cope with unneccessary surgery and as for botox; needles...shudder!
My own question:
If someone gave you £500k what would you do with it?
Pay my parents mortgage, take a very long holiday, go shopping (oh dear lord, the shopping!) buy a house and car (sensible stuff) and start my own little fashion publishing house. I'd only publish books I thought were wonderful and I wouldnt care if we didnt make a tonne of money as long as I was happy!
And now to tag people: I take dressed and pressed, style child, disney roller girl, and both of the queens to answer the questions! But don't worry - it's not like those awful chain emails: nothing bad will happen to you or your families if you don't!
Tor xx
Monday, 6 April 2009
All I want is Kitty!!
In honour of my cousin who had a new baby called Hannah Kitty this weekend, and because I love Hello Kitty more than anything in the world (despite the fact that i'm 25 next month and I should know better!) here is the new hello Kitty range in collaboration with Mac cosmetics. The collection is 60s inspired (the focus of my MA dissertation and a passion for years!) and I actually really like Mac cosmetics, so it's the perfect triple whammy!
This is the item i want most. In fact I want it so much it hurts! Soft black pleather 14" Hello Kitty doll in a 60’s style black & white dress with pink trim and iconic pink bow. Limited edition. Black and pink? Hello Kitty? 60s dress? It's like it was made for me!
I love the sickly fluoro pink colour of this lipstick almost as much as I love the retro Hello Kitty casing. Is anyone else sensing a massacre in my make up bag followed by a serious Kitty-fest!?
The thing I love about the blusher is the attention to detail: Not only does it have the same patterned casing as the lipstick (all 60s and lovely!) it also has her face embossed on the powder! Love it!
There's loads more; lip glosses and nail varnish, eye shadow and eye dust. But the final thing to grab my attention (and as soon as I get near a MAc, my wallet) are these:

Love Tor
PS-At the risk of sounding like a spoilt child I feel the need to reiterate again: I really really want that doll!!!
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Daily Wear: A weekend in three pictures
Friday, 3 April 2009
Give us this day....
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Kate Moss for Topshop SS09: A quick update!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Kate Moss for Topshop SS09 hits stores tomorrow