My Ping in

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Pretty Vacant

The title of the Stolen Girlfriends Club's Winter '09 collection pretty much sums up my state of mind today; it's about to rain, my washing machine has packed in and i'm wearing my last pair of clean knickers (bar those buttery ones that i'm still relunctant to wear all day) and everything is fairly blah; I have no real feelings on anything either way. Perhaps it's because I didn't get any sleep last night. Oh woe is me and tiny violins etcetera.
Still, there's nothing missing (or vacant. See what I did? See how i stopped it being about me and made it about clothes) about this collection. Here are all the things I covet:
Oooh cobweb legs! I am loving unusual legwear lately and love the overtly gothiness of these. I also like the so thin it's almost cobweb-esque sweater.
More luschious legs! Big fan of these leggings and their combination with the ankle boots. The checked shirt dress is something i've seen a million times, before and since though.
OK so I wouldnt wear this. But the Kurt Cobain loving teenage version of myself certainly would. I remember attempting this grungy look myself, but not so slutty of course, or my dad would never have let me out the front door! Oh and also, I want a hair beard!
I resaw a picture of a body con dress from this collection today and it spurred me on to revisit the rest. Not only the title but also the clothes kind of reflect my mood. Sum it up in less than 10 words, Tor? OK, I will. Paint it black, make it easy. Don't Smile.
Hope you are all having a great and sun-shiny day!
Love Tor x

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