My Ping in

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Shop my wardrobe!

Apparently "swine flu" has its benefits: it means I can't leave my bed and have the time in front of my computer to do jobs i've been meaning to do for ages! I have far too many clothes. Lovely, lovely beautiful clothes. Some of which I am yet to remove the tags from. I have shoes too tough for my delicate feet. Clothes I meant to take back but forgot all about and left in bags at the bottom of my wardrobe. I have clothes I have loved for years. And clothes I only loved when I was trying them on in the shop.

Topshop clothes and Primark clothes. H&M and matalan clothes. Clothes from the topshop outlet. Vintage clothes and boot sales clothes. Casual clothes and evening clothes. And a healthy dollop of sequins. And they could all be yours.

Due to my constantly fluctuating weight, there are clothes ranging from a size 12-size 16.

I've been meaning to add some more stuff to this for weeks, and I had a massive clear out last weekend. So check out the fabfrocks shop and shop my wardrobe: you're bound to find something you like! I've added about ten new things today, and hope to add another ten tomorrow - and I will keep adding stuff all week; I think I have around 40-50 things to put up in total! (until the next shopping binge and clear out of course!)
Everything will be washed and ironed before being carefully packaged and sent to you with love. So if you see anything you like just drop me a line, and i'll get it sent straight over!

Love Tor

NB - P&P is not included in any of the list prices and is £5 per item unless otherwise stated. (£7 for International)

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